Jun 07, 2005 09:10
Pretty much the only thing that has happened since my last post is Lizzy’s Birthday. We have been celebrating it for four days. The high point was the Party. There were a ton of people, everybody was making friends. Essentially everything went really really well. Lizzy doesn’t remember most of the night, (where’s my CELL PHONE?!!!) and I finally got to see Jenni WASTED. So if you didn’t make it you really missed out on a good time.
Ok now I’m gonna gush. John came really early. He hung out with me and Lizzy and Allie for a good long time before the party actually started. He was so much fun. He got pretty wasted once the party got started. Tons of shots were being passed around. I made the hunch punch so apparently it was “strong” ( it was good too though). So we were about to play circle of death and John’s gone, I’m getting there, he grabs me around the waits and hugs me too him and says “So how are you?” ok OH MY GOD. I actually swooned in his arms, I thought I was gonna die. I was so very very close. So we have a very short conversation in that position, the entire time I’m dying. We do Lizzy’s cake and play a little more circle of death. The entire time John and I are getting closer. Things look like they are gonna go somewhere really soon. I leave him for a second, and when I come back he’s sick. JESUS! I maintain that if he had not gotten sick (BTW it was his first time being sick, poor thing. He knows none of the drinking rules) there would have at least been making out. Anyway so he’s sick for a really long time. Then Jenni gets sick, (oh and our air conditioner wasn’t working, so that did not help) So both our bathrooms are taken. I eventually get him out and into my room where he passes out for the whole of the night. I get my fan out and put it on him so he doesn’t die. Eventually I get him to take a pillow as well. So John spent the night, but it was on my floor. So absolutely nothing happened.
I haven’t seen him/talked to him since then. I think I might call him and ask him over tonight to hang out alone together to see if that will turn into making out. I’m trying not to over analyze the situation here. Yes he was flirting with me, but he didn’t sleep in my bed. The other girl scenario is creeping back into my head. I need to stomp it out with making out tonight. Officially the plan now. AHHH!!!