Apr 29, 2006 15:44
I checked out yesterday and went home. I realized that I would be giving up a list of things. I'm giving up - fast and instant connection to the internet, privacy, a locking door to my room, comfortable mattress, friends, food, a library within walking distance, the will to clean, a high potential for kleptomania, cable access that has all of the channels that I watch put together, movable seats, the ability to listen to music that I don't own via the internet, torrenting, pop, the ability to throw homosexuality into everyday conversation, the ability to have a conversation that isn't small talk, laughter for the most part.
My sister got a computer. Let's compare:
My Computer My sister's Computer Windows 98 Windows XP $350 Free no internet AOL no mousemy mouse
But that's better than what I thought it was going to be. At the beginning of school last year, the parents decided that they were going to make my computer the family computer, so I wouldn't have one at all. Lo and behold, they still haven't touched the machine. If it's still "mine" by Fall, I'm taking it to school, even if my parents decide that they need it more again.
At least I'm getting a haircut soon.