Apr 02, 2005 01:23
Everyone has to have their opinions on the Terri Schiavo battle, and here was mine. This came two days before she died. I know its a bit late, but I didn't have any CLOUT in the matter anyway. So here:
Yes, Terri Shiavo wanted to die if she was ever put in that state. Yes, her life should have been quietly and peacefully ended. But, I don't believe that removing her feeding tube was the most humane way to do it. I mean, it's starving her to death. That would suck. I understand that no other method, save the denial of treatment, would have been legal, but man it would suck to be starved to death.
In memory of Terri
1963 - 3/31/2005
Chicken King Frank Perdue
1920 - 3/31/2005
Pope John Paul II
c. 1500 - 4/2/2005