(no subject)

Oct 01, 2005 18:59

Do you bite your nails: no
Can you roll your tongue: yes
Can you blow smoke rings: yes
Can you blow spit bubbles: yup.
Can you cross your eyes: no
Tattoos and where: yes
Do you make your bed daily: no

What's sexiest on a guy: back
What's sexiest on a girl: hair

Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl

What do you use eating pizza: hands


How often do you brush your teeth: once a day
Do you shower/bathe: shower mostly. Baths only when I have time
How long do these showers last: 10 minutes
Hair drying method: mother nature
Do you pee in the shower: no cause who wants to stand in their own pee.
What color is your bedroom: whiteish
Do you use an alarm clock: no. I have a George.
Name four things or people you're obsessed with: Firefly, The Sims 2, World of Warcraft, Food
What's your sleeping position: on me belly (the king sleeps on his back, the heathen sleeps on his stomach, the wise man sleeps on his side)

What kind of bed do you like: King size with sateen sheets and lots of pillows and soft blankets

In hot weather do you use a blanket: yes, but B kicks them off
Do you sleepwalk: no. that's my sister
Do you talk in your sleep: not for a long while.
How about the light on: no
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio: no


Had sex: well, I did just get married...
Watched bambi: not since I was little. I don't like bambi. Or dumbo.
Cried: September 13 starting at 10:13

Talked on the phone: When someone called for a kid at the store 15 minutes ago
Read a book: Harry Potter 6 on Thursday (stupid Brenden! Read faster!!)


Is music important to you: yes
Do you sing: yes
What instruments do you play: i dont. how lame and un-artistic of me.
What do you think of Eminem: bouncy
In your opinion what band is the best of all time: hmmmm. any band that has good fiddle riffs. Or Miles Davis. Or the Ramones. Or the Cure.


Pop music: yes
Punk music: yes
Rap music: sometimes

Hip-hop/RB: yes
Country: no
Jazz: yes
Classical: yes

New age: yes
Hardcore: yes
Indie rock: yes
Emo: eh? what is emo?


What do you notice first?: Smell
Do you have a crush on anyone?: no
Who is the easiest to talk to?: Brenden. Dave. Tim. Big John.


Could you live without the computer?: only after the detox program
What's your favorite fruit?: mangos
What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: emotional


Of times you have had your heart broken?: oh so many.
Of hearts you have broken?: two or three
Of girls kissed?: many
Who?: family members, friends, and the girls at the store who keep trying to kiss me... (I'm looking at you Tirza and Lacey...)
Of drugs taken illegally?: I'm too old for illegal drugs.
Of close friends?: one
Who?: Brenden
Of CD's owned: over 200. Most of them are on my Ipod tho.
Of scars on my body?: three


I know: that I will know more stuff tomorrow.
I want: a nap - or to play more Sims
I have: gas
I wish: to be happy
I hate: stupid, ineffectual people

I fear: spiders, drowning
I hear: Brenden's Eberron game
I love: Brenden. My family. Jelly the Cat. Eating and Feeding people.
I ache: because I didn't get enough sleep last night
I care: about what other people think.
I always: bite my goldfish crackers in half before I chew them
I dance: whenever I can
I cry: almost never
I write: manga stories that I don't show people

I confuse: left and right
I can usually be found: at the store
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: yes

-ARE YOU A...-

Wuss: when i'm tired
Druggie: not as such
Daydreamer: wicked
Alcoholic: no... but i like those "girly" drinks.
Freak: heavens to betsy no. <.< >.>
Brat: yes
Sarcastic: never.
Goody-goody: yes
Angel: yes
Devil: yes
Friend: yes
Shy: yes
Adventurous: yes
Intelligent: yes


Your best feature [personality]: My ability to make people laugh

Most annoying thing you do: use my powers for evil and not good

Biggest mistake you've made this far: not going out with Brenden sooner

Describe your personality in one word: goofy

A smell that makes you smile: The top of Jellys head

A city you'd like to visit: London

A drink you order most often: water

The music you prefer while alone: jazz

A TV show you watch regularly: I don't have tv
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