As the new information about the Malfoy family has finally lured me to sign up to Pottermore my interest in Harry Potter has resurfaced again. I have long thought about making some sort of timeline for the generation that attended Hogwarts during the first war.
This is written mainly as a resource for those who write Marauder era fic, in which I try
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Which one was this? Surely there isn't one of yours that I haven't read? :)
This may be a bias on my part, perhaps an age difference kink, or now that I think about it I believe it is because that in every single fic I have ever read that has had Narcissa in the year under Lucius, she suddenly, Tada!, appears as if from nowhere in the common room in and he suddenly notices her for the very first time. I suppose I prefer them to have had some sort of relationship beforehand, even if it just a conversation about the way to the common rom *g*
Ooh, that's interesting information about Arthur and Molly. I only remembered that Molly talked of her school days when she visited Harry at Hogwarts in GoF. I'll see if I can incorporate it somehow. I prefer them in the same year too. JKR has removed a lot of information from her website. I finally managed to track down the where the information about Sirius age came from and that was from the website too and has since been removed.
Lucius does seem to have a knack for making enemies in an incredibly short time *g*
Mentor/mentee relationship - absolutely!
Rodophus in Lucius's year actually works incredibly well. There are all these layers and interconnectedness at once. I had not thought about the in awe bit, but it fits!
Again we are in complete agreement. Oh, God, the contradictions. Well, I suppose when one deals with a writer who prides herself on the fact that she does not reread her books when she is working on a series that is being written years apart... And that is precisely my point. There is no reason to let this hinder one's creativity in the first place. But if it creates some sort of writer's block or causes difficulty with the muse, well, the numbers can be tweaked canonically until they fit precisely the story you want to tell.
I'll see what I can find in my bookmarks :)
It's my entry for springtime_gen, here. I hadn't linked from my LJ because I made a massive error in it that I need to fix, and I hadn't fixed it because I was working flat out making glass for Ascendio. It's Lucius' first term at Hogwarts so doesn't feature Narcissa.
I prefer them to have had some sort of relationship beforehand.
I think they would have had a relationship beforehand, whatever year they were in - they would undoubtedly have encountered each other at pureblood social gatherings. My personal headcanon has some tension between the families though, so Narcissa has to do a little work to persuade Lucius that she's not insane or rebellious like her sisters, and Lucius has to... well, I've not got that far yet, but I rather enjoyed writing 1st-year Lucius so I might return to it at some point.
JKR has removed a lot of information from her website
And removed the fun interface, from what I could see, which is such a shame. I wish she'd left it as a historical record; I have good memories of playing with magic paperclips and trying to get through The Door!
Yes, I quite agree, it is mostly the way people who choose this option has dealt with it that has soured me on the idea. But I would be quite happy to be proven wrong. *nudges* *g* I see tension there, too. Makes it all the more interesting, no?
Yes, I just went there and saw that you are right. I will miss it too, it was very well done. She really doesn't seem to know when she should just let well enough be, does she? Le sigh.
I think JKR shot herself in the foot somewhat by using her name as the domain name for the website in the first place - made sense back in 2004 or whenever she started it when she was immersed in HP, but now she is working on other things I can see that she would want her personal website to look a little more 'grown-up'.
All right, now I'm confused! I assumed that the error was placing Andromeda in Ravenclaw? Was there another, more-directly-related-to-Bellatrix problem that I missed?
Yes, but I suppose she could still have "hidden" the old design behind the Harry Potter link. And wasn't it much later than 2004? It felt like it was after the heyday of fandom. Maybe I'm confusing it with when Pottermore opened.
Thanks for your endorsement of Bilius! He seemed like a good way to make the two aware of each other. From Arthur's point of view I think it was the risk to Molly involved him more personally.
And yes, the error was placing Andromeda in Ravenclaw. I'd always assumed she was, for some reason - I though that's how she freed herself enough to get together with Ted. But Slughorn does say at the start of HBP that all the Blacks were in Slytherin. Somehow I missed the implications of that.
I suppose she could still have "hidden" the old design behind the Harry Potter link
And wasn't it much later than 2004?
I think it was late 2004 - I remember the door opening to give a clue to the HBP title, and HBP came out in 2005. Also, the fan site awards were a while back; she fell out with the Lexicon 2007-2008 so the award she made must have been a year or two before that. (Just checked the Lexicon and it said that the door was first opened in June 2004)
I started this journal in 2004; before then I hung out at FictionAlley but it seemed that people were more and more moving over here, so I guess at that point it did feel a bit like fandom was changing quite a bit - I find LJ more fragmented (though better for getting to know people).
I remember the heyday of fandom as before the publication of OotP, and checking the dates I see that that was in 2003, so that might explain it *g* I actuw9ally think that I got my LJ around 2004, too. By then too I had migrated toward Fiction Alley, and as I recall I got too many people I wanted to follow so that it was easier to just create a journal with a friends list rather than having them in my bookmarks and checking them manually each day as I had been doing.
It is especially impressive as a pinch hit. The plot must have taken some time to work out, especially as it is created to cater to somebody else's wishes, and it is so well done. Some people write fast, and some people write slower, what is important is that they write well. And when something is so layered ask it is here, it is more difficult to write fast is my experience.
I have to admit that I did not grasp the importance of that either. Like you, I thought about Sirius's ancestors, not his cousins (did we even know about them at thus point in OotP?) Most people place Andromeda in a different house than Slytherin, so at least we are not the only ones. Bellatrix is one of my favourite characters as well, and it did not ruin the story one little bit for me. However, if you want any help with fixing it with as little alteration to the text as possible, let me know.
I will say it again: Bilius Weasley? Stroke. Of. Brilliance. Poor Arthur. He has always somewhat inexplicably been in love with Molly. At least she widened her horisont towards someone blond and fashionable with Lockhart ;)
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