Feb 27, 2009 22:24
so today i made masamn curry and it wasnt as good as siam's. i will try until i get it right. it only took me two tries to master tom kha gai and i even made up my own recipe! its fucking amazing.
i love sleeping in bed with my kitties. i wish i could see them more. ronin is so cute and just wants to be petted. all the time. and my kitty does all kinds of awesome things. he always sticks his hand down the sub woofer when it's loud and he loves playing with toilet paper rolls. he likes to sit on top of the couch and attack peanut's tail whenever he walks by. my kittys newest thing is climbing on top of the computer chair and watching whatever is goin on on the computer. he is always purring, even if you're playing with him. he's getting big now.
i had super hot sex the other day too. its cool now cuz ricky initiates sex more than i do now and he used to say he didnt care much for sex. LOL. he took off my pants n started goin down on me and i guess couldnt decide what he wanted cuz he kept goin back to givin me head and fuckin me. heh, we've never done that before. i love that we always change up positions and that he's getting more aggressive. he was dripping sweat today ;) so hawtttttttttt
i can't wait til i find a damn job and can get to creating!