i went out to eat sushi with mandi and leigh ann last night. first i stopped by rickys house to give him a kiss since it was vday and all, and to smoke so i'd be hungry =P. i tried 2 diff kinds of sushi, and one was awesome. its also awesome to be able to order drinks in front of minors.
i got my dress in the mail. i dont really like dresses with metallic detail in them. i didnt know this dress had silver thread n shit in it, but its still cute. not as cute as i thought it was going to be, but hopefully ricky will like it, especially since he paid for it. haha.
i also ordered some more embellishment stuff from etsy. most of it is just stuff i want to make molds out of. i need to learn how to do stuff with resin and how to make molds and stuff. im just gonna get supplies every now and then and wait til i get a job and fix up a place to create before i go full force buying shit mode. haha. i need so many supplies and tools. my book wishlist on amazon is getting pretty big too =[
i need to stop sucking at school. its still early on to fix things, but ehhhh, so lame. ig ot a 31 out of 60 on my sociology project and she usually only gives me 3 out of 5 on my discussion questions, even tho i answer them fully and even give long answers. i dont think i have any projects this semester in pychology. i do however had an exam i have to take and i think its suppose to be supervised or something. i dunno. im gonna read over a few chapters n take it. good thing about internet classes is i can use my book and look on the web. i also need to start studying for anatomy. i dont know what i want to do for school yet. i want to make things, but i have to be in school for insurance, and i need a job to pay for things. so thers like 3 things i need/have to do, but they are all very time consuming and i dont know how to do all of it. mom thinks i should go to a technical school and learn a trade, but i dont know what i want to learn. i'm probably going to tho cuz i hate school.
mandi is tryin to rent out the duplex next to jessis mom. i think she may get it so i ordered her some presents today cuz she just bought me food and spent a lot of money on my party. i usually try to get people gifts that are useful and not just pretty or jewelry or something like that, cuz if its something useful, theres a better chance of it being liked/used. mandi already has a lot of clothes and stuff like that, so i tried getting her things for her house. i got her a jewelry rack. i found lots of pretty ones online, but theyre kinda expensive, plus this one holds a lot of things.
i also got her a hair dryer rack cuz her bathroom is small and there is only one closet in the house. i think i might paint it or something to make it prettier.
and i got her
so hopefully she will like something. i was going to get her some shelves, a closet unit, or a canopy for her bed, but didnt know if she'd like any of it.
i was lookin forward to the warm weather cuz i wanted to start exercising, but now its all cold as fuck outside again and i dont want to go. i hate when its windy cuz it feels like the wind is blowing right up in my nose and i cant breathe, or when its too cold =[
i cant wait til my valentines day. i dunno what we're doing but i hope its awesome. i deserve it =]