So, quite some time ago, the really excellent
eira_cannaid made the
most excellent fanart ever for The One About Dragons. I promised her a ficbit on any character of her choosing in the world of the story, and then totally failed to deliver for a while
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As for Kurt's mom...the only canon information we have on her, really, is Burt sitting there and saying to Kurt, "You are your mother, you know that?" Which to me says, yeah. All the crafty complicated stuff, all the sensitive dramatic stuff, all of the high-energy wanting things to be a certain way and the occasional bossiness and yeah, some of the moral this far and no further lines--that's who Kurt's mom was. She was the kind of person who'd throw a fit over not getting an audition, and then quietly, secretly, blow the note to keep somebody she loved safe. And here it's even more pronounced, of course, because swords.
I have so much headcanon for how marriage works in these tribes. You can get engaged without a formal challenge, and back in the day formal challenges were really only combat, and only between shieldmaidens and male warriors, and between the expanding role of shieldmaidens (because really, once they're that tough, you try telling them they have to be maidens) and a few other things, the tradition just grew. The whole 'setting the terms' thing is a way of letting the second party actively accept or decline a proposal--so it's not just, you fight your ass off and hope you win so you don't have to get married. If you pick something you know you'll lose at, like Burt picking swords here, it's as good as saying "yes I want to marry you". Pick something you know you'll win at, and it's either "I am humiliating you so you stop asking" (IE, what Kurt's done to several suitors), or, "not yet, but I want you to keep trying" (what Lauren keeps doing to Puck).
(Carole challenged Burt, too. She was scared as heck, but he'd stopped on the edge of making a move a dozen times, and if she wanted to be really accepted by the tribe, she knew she had to do things there way. Pretty sure Burt set the terms as a bake-off.)
So that was some background info splooge, and hopefully most of that will slowly make its way into the actual story, because it is fun to collate--but hey, you asked :)
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