Jun 03, 2008 11:26
Things I have accomplished in the past few days:
3,500-some-odd words of llamas, crack, destruction, and birthdayfic (for a birthday that was, um, four days ago) that I'm tentatively calling Panic! at the Petting Zoo. Please note that it's, like. A quarter of the way done. /o\
Went shopping with awesome people and bought awesome things, including but not limited to: an unnecessarily expensive but very pretty shirt; Life on the Murder Scene; pretty earrings; a smoothie.
Beta'ed the fuck out of the apocalypse-fic of awesome. Which you're all reading as soon as it's posted. I'm so excited to see this thing go up, guys, you have no idea.
Became officially employed for the summer! All loopholes and accidental possible falsification of GRE scores have been settled, and I now have an obscenely well-paying part time job, once I finish the training for it. I'm gonna have money, guys. Also, this means I get to spend the summer living in Chicago. It's agreed that all of July is to be one long party, yes?
Written absolutely none of my HCT pt2 recap. I think it's pretty much just not going to happen. Things for you to know: I spent like an extra hour and a half on the train to pick up Chex and my sketchily scalped Craigslist tickets, I don't really mind 'cause it was worth it, the show was awesome, Kitty is hysterically cute when flipping out about unlikely events, Shane is a lolariously stupid dorkface, and fangirls are the best things ever. There would've been details, there would've been so many details, but...yeah I'm kinda lazy.
(although, and I'm just gonna mention this now, when the HCT concert DVD comes out you might want to keep an eye out for the uber-dorkfaces who look slightly too old to be Panic fangirls, singing along to Northern Downpour. You can laugh at us. It'll be great.)
Arranged my life such that I can make it to the MSI show!!! I'm super-excited about this one, guys. Still need to get a ticket--I'd rather buy it off a fangirl than give Ticketmaster more money if I can--but if I get on that this week, I might still have the backup of not-sold-out tickets online, too. In other news, I'm missing David Costa on the 12th because that is the multi-scheduled weekend of clusterfuck, but it's going to be awesome. I can't fucking wait.
Spent many, many hours on IM and obsessively refreshing e-mail and flist alike.
Wrote this post.
Absolutely nothing else of any practical use in the world whatsoever. \o/\o/\o/ Laziness FTW.
chicago is so right now,
my life it is made of boring,
the best girls in the world,
concert planning ahead!