11. iconbattle with absolutelybatty, longerthanwedo, scoobyatemysnax & vintagic

Feb 09, 2013 19:19

So this happened: A huge Supernatural Battle centered around tropes and the result is so damn amazing! Thanks to everyone who finished, contributed the tropes, cheered each other on and so on! This was one of the most fun battles I've ever had!

absolutelybatty longerthanwedo scoobyatemysnax vintagic vampire_sessah religious horror

01 - 05 light is not good

06 - 10 little miss badass

11 - 15 manly tears

16 - 20 all-powerful bystander

21 - 25 monster lord

26 - 30 as long as there is evil

31 - 35 ambiguous innocence

36 - 40 mood dissonance

41 - 45 emotions vs stoicism

46 - 50 bad future

51 - 55 match cut

56 - 60 blood from the mouth

61 - 65 asshole victim

66 - 70 puppy dog eyes

71 - 75 kill it with fire

76 - 80 the bro code

81 - 85 biblical bad guy

86 - 90
» credit the rightful maker when taking any!
» do NOT hotlink or repost ANYWHERE!

!battle, tv: supernatural

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