This is a tutorial for a Teen Wolf icon I did a while back. It is a really simple icon, not involving many steps. It's mostly me tinkering around and changing small stuff. I hope you enjoy reading and find it helpful!
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01. Crop & Prep
I started off by chosing a cropping that cuts off Lydia's eyes and then did my standart prepping steps: Duplicate the base twice (using ctrl+j) set both on screen 100%, then duplicate the base a third time. This third copy is set on soft light. I also blurred this layer using Gaussian Blur (using a radius of 3,6px).
Copy+paste your whole icon (ctrl+a to select all, ctrl+shift+c to copy the whole selection, then ctrl+v). The resulting new layer becomes your new base.
02. Textures & Lighting
The next step is choosing a texture to give it the yellow colours and lightning effect you can see on the final result.
I picked one of my favourite textures:
this one (by
After pasting it into Photoshop I used Hue/Saturation to turn the orange into yellow (select layer, press ctrl+u). I don't remember which exact value I entered but my setting must've looked like this:
colour: +21
saturation: 0
brightness: 0
Hit enter! :)
Now simply set the texture on screen!
As you can see the texture is now overwhelming the entire icon. So I copied the prepped base above the texture layer and set it on soft light.
The next step is basically me deciding that the icon is too bright now. So I created a new layer and picked a soft round brush. I painted over the areas which I wanted to darken (for reference look
here). I set the layer on soft light and then blurred it using Gaussian Blur until I liked the result.
Then I created a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer with the following values:
brightness: -24
contrast: 0
I wanted the layer only to effect her skin so I roughly painted the outer bits of her hair over in the adjustment layer's mask. This keeps the yellow on the edges of her hair nicely vibrant and bright.
I still wasn't satisfied with the icon so I again picked a black soft round brush and painted a dark blob in the lower right corner (
here), set it on soft light and blurred it until I was satisfied.
Next up I created yet another new layer and painted on it. This time with black as well as white.
First I used the white brush to paint over the right side of her hair and face as well as making a light blob in the upper left corner. Then I painted with black over the part on the right where Lydia's neck is (
visual aid for my weird explanation)
As before set this layer on soft light and blur it until satisfied. We're almost done now! :D
03. Sharpen & Done
Final step: Create a copy of your whole icon and use the Sharpen filter on it. Reduce the opacity to 29%.
Done! :)
Final result:
Thanks for reading!
I hope this is understandable. If you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask! :)