05. tutorial #03

Jan 22, 2013 17:55

This is a tutorial for a Teen Wolf icon I did a while back. It is a really simple icon, not involving many steps. It's mostly me tinkering around and changing small stuff. I hope you enjoy reading and find it helpful!


asked by 12feethigh


01. Crop & Prep
I started off by chosing a cropping that cuts off Lydia's eyes and then did my standart prepping steps: Duplicate the base twice (using ctrl+j) set both on screen 100%, then duplicate the base a third time. This third copy is set on soft light. I also blurred this layer using Gaussian Blur (using a radius of 3,6px).
Copy+paste your whole icon (ctrl+a to select all, ctrl+shift+c to copy the whole selection, then ctrl+v). The resulting new layer becomes your new base.


02. Textures & Lighting
The next step is choosing a texture to give it the yellow colours and lightning effect you can see on the final result.
I picked one of my favourite textures: this one (by raiindust)
After pasting it into Photoshop I used Hue/Saturation to turn the orange into yellow (select layer, press ctrl+u). I don't remember which exact value I entered but my setting must've looked like this:

colour: +21
saturation: 0
brightness: 0
Hit enter! :)

Now simply set the texture on screen!


As you can see the texture is now overwhelming the entire icon. So I copied the prepped base above the texture layer and set it on soft light.


The next step is basically me deciding that the icon is too bright now. So I created a new layer and picked a soft round brush. I painted over the areas which I wanted to darken (for reference look here). I set the layer on soft light and then blurred it using Gaussian Blur until I liked the result.


Then I created a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer with the following values:
brightness: -24
contrast: 0
I wanted the layer only to effect her skin so I roughly painted the outer bits of her hair over in the adjustment layer's mask. This keeps the yellow on the edges of her hair nicely vibrant and bright.


I still wasn't satisfied with the icon so I again picked a black soft round brush and painted a dark blob in the lower right corner (here), set it on soft light and blurred it until I was satisfied.
Next up I created yet another new layer and painted on it. This time with black as well as white.
First I used the white brush to paint over the right side of her hair and face as well as making a light blob in the upper left corner. Then I painted with black over the part on the right where Lydia's neck is (visual aid for my weird explanation)
As before set this layer on soft light and blur it until satisfied. We're almost done now! :D


03. Sharpen & Done
Final step: Create a copy of your whole icon and use the Sharpen filter on it. Reduce the opacity to 29%.
Done! :)

Final result:

Thanks for reading!
I hope this is understandable. If you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask! :)


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