Purposes - Another fanfiction for The Hobbit

Mar 03, 2014 00:08

Title: Purposes
Characters: Fíli, Tauriel
Word Count: 1212
Rating: K
Warnings: Contains DoS spoilers
Summary: In which Fíli confronts Tauriel, wanting to know why she is staying with them.
Author's Notes: I'm not really sure about this one, to be honest, but I always wanted a scene with Fíli and Tauriel.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything. The characters belong to J. R. R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

Tauriel looked around the dining room in Bard’s house. It was late at night and the only sound was Bofur’s snoring as he was sleeping on the floor near the window. Kíli was lying next to the fireplace with his brother close and Bard’s children were sleeping in their own room. Tauriel was sitting on a chair, leaning against the wooden wall, staring into the darkness.

She still found it incredible that she had denied King Thranduil’s orders and fled his palace to help a wounded dwarf who was considered their enemy. Then she said no to Legolas, the King’s son when he asked her to return to the palace. There was no doubt that she had lost the King’s trust forever. Her heart wrenched as she realised that with this, she had lost everything she had been struggling for many-many years. As the only commoner amongst Tharnduil’s officers, she had to convince them that she was the right one for the job: to be the captain of the guards. And now it was all gone.

Although it hurt her, Tauriel knew that it was the right thing to do. Darkness was spreading out all over Middle-earth; there was a war about to come, but Thranduil seemed to ignore it, as it wasn’t a direct threat to his kingdom. It wasn’t their fight. Tauriel didn’t agree with him in this: it was their duty to stop the darkness taking over Middle-earth, their homeland. How could their King be so blind to this?

These thoughts made her upset; so much that she even got up from her chair. Realising this, she threw a quick glance at the sleeping dwarves, hoping that she hadn’t woken them up. Seeing that they were still asleep, she quietly walked to the door and stepped outside to the porch. Breathing in the cool night air calmed her down a little. Leaning against the railings she looked at the wooden houses around them. Mostly they were dark; Tauriel saw a light only in a few windows. She wondered what the people were doing in those houses, what was keeping them awake in the middle of the night.

Hearing some footsteps behind her back snapped her out of her thoughts. Turning around she placed her hand on the dagger on her belt that she never took off. Just in case. However, she didn’t have to use it, as it was just Fíli, Kíli’s brother. A wave of relief ran through her body and she let her hand down.

“Sorry if I woke you up,” she said. “I didn’t mean to.”

“It wasn’t you,” the dwarf replied. “I couldn’t sleep.”

He hadn’t had a decent sleep since Kíli’s injury got worse and although he was a lot better now, Fíli was still worrying about him. And also, about the rest of the company who were on their way to the Lonely Mountain. They might have arrived there by now.

“It’s because of your brother, isn’t it?” she asked with concern.

The softness in her voice surprised Fíli; he wasn’t expecting her to talk like this. Honestly, he wasn’t expecting her to still be there with them. He didn’t understand why she was here. He was taught that elves had refused to help the dwarves when it was needed the most; that they were proud and arrogant. But she was different: she had come after them and had saved Kíli’s life, then she also took part in the restoration of Bard’s house. Why was she doing that? She had nothing to do with their mission to reclaim Erebor! Did she want gold, or what? Fíli couldn’t see what purpose was behind the kindness she treated them, especially his brother. She seemed somehow attracted to Kíli and that was what confused Fíli the most.
As far as he was concerned, elves didn’t do anything if it wasn’t for their own benefit, but he found the way she acted towards Kíli completely genuine. But why would an elf show a genuine interest in a dwarf? And why did Kíli fall for it?

His brother clearly liked spending time with Tauriel; they could be sitting by the fire for hours chatting, laughing as if her kin hadn’t let their people die in the dragonfire. Perhaps it was due to the gratitude for saving his life. Fíli was grateful for that, too, but it didn’t make him want to spend his days with her.

“Don’t worry, he will be alright soon,” Tauriel said, offering a reassuring smile to the dwarf.

And suddenly, Fíli found himself smiling back at her. It warmed his heart that she cared about his brother despite being their enemy. Perhaps they weren’t enemies at all, he thought. That was the first time that it crossed his mind.

“I don’t know what your purposes are,” he said, “why you are here, but... thank you for what you did for Kíli. Without you he would have been...” He choked on his words. Without you he would have been dead. A shiver ran down his spine at that thought. He knew he wouldn’t bear to see his brother go. If that happened, he knew he wouldn’t be able to go on without him. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looking up his eyes met the elf’s warm gaze.

“But he is still with us and that is what matters,” she said with a small smile.

Fíli’s words surprised Tauriel as she knew that the young dwarf had never trusted her nor he approved of his brother spending time with her. He wasn’t expecting him to thank to her what she had done, but when he said it, it warmed her heart.

“My purpose is to protect my home,” she told him after a short silence.

“But you’re from Mirkwood. This place is not your home,” Fíli said, a little confused.

“Middle-earth is my home,” Tauriel said. “And evil is threatening it. Those orcs after you are against all of us. Darkness is rising and if we don’t stop it, it will reach everyone and it will consume everything that we hold dear. Whatever is going on right now has something to do with all of us.”

Staring into the dark night, with the elf’s words in his head, Fíli realised how big the world really was and how small they were. What he had been considering great was only a tiny part of something enormous he hadn’t noticed until now. An ice-cold hand clenched his heart and he shivered a little. He had never felt so small before.

Seeing his reaction, Tauriel pressed her lips together, feeling a little bad about shocking him like that. She knew how scary it could be realising that what your world was revolving around was only a part of a much bigger picture. She understood that he was frightened. She reached out towards his shoulder to comfort him, but before she could touch him, Fíli turned to her.

“Do you mean that our quest is not important?” he asked. The fright in his eyes turned into anger - he seemed to cover his fear with pride. A smile touched Tauriel’s lips and she shook her head.

“No, I mean that we are on the same side,” she said.

fanfiction, tauriel, fili, the hobbit

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