Breaking the Law - A Merlin fanfiction

Oct 13, 2012 01:05

Title: Breaking the Law
Fandom: Merlin
Characters/Pairings: Gwen/Lancelot
Word Count: 2912
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Modern AU, fluff and poilce officers
Summary: After a Halloween party Gwen and Lancelot tries out something new...
Author's Notes: Officially the dirtiest thing I've ever written. I hope you'll like it anyway.

Breaking the Law

“It was a great party,” Gwen said as they entered her room. It was Halloween, so people dressed up as vampires, ghosts, Michael Jackson and so on were all over the place.

“It was, indeed,” Lancelot agreed. He had a costume of a police officer with handcuffs, a billy stick and a toy gun hanging from his belt. “I didn’t know you have such a good voice,” he told her, placing his hand on her waist and pulled her close to himself. “You impressed me. Again.”

“Thank you,” Gwen said, blushing slightly, then she stood on her tiptoes to press a light kiss on his lips.

She and Merlin had decided to dress up as the Blues Brothers, so she was wearing a pair of black trousers, a white shirt, a tie, and a hat. On the party they had even performed the song Soul Man leaving everyone surprised how good they had sounded.

“Has anyone told you that you make a smoking hot police officer?” she asked with a cheeky smile after taking off her hat.

“Thanks,” Lancelot smiled, “In fact I’ve heard it a few times,” he added.

Gwen laughed a little, running her hand up on his spine, his neck, then she took off his hat and put it on her head.

“Officer, I think your uniform is incomplete,” she said, stepping out of his arms. She had no idea why she had said or done this; it must have been because of the party mood or perhaps the fact that he was dressed up as a policeman. Maybe both. She blushed when she noticed that she had never flirted with him like this and she started to feel ashamed of her slutty behavior. However, she couldn’t apologise for that, because Lancelot was walking towards her, with a mischievous smile that made her go back in the game.

She didn’t remember how they ended up like this, but she was lying on the bed, on her back with Lancelot kneeling above her, holding down her wrists.

“You broke the law, miss,” he told her and Gwen saw a sparkle in his dark brown eyes that made her heart skip a beat and her stomach clutch. “You’ve stolen an officer’s property, for which I have to arrest you, I’m afraid.”

“I’m so sorry, officer,” she mumbled. She found it hard to breathe, her heartbeat increased and she felt a tingling in her lower belly; however it certainly surprised her that she could be turned on by this. Her cheeks turned red and she bit her lower lip.

Lancelot noticed her blushing and it made him stop for a while. What if he frightened her? They had never done this before; he, personally, had never planned to do something like this, it had just come out of the blue, but with all the oddness of the situation he certainly found it arousing. He hoped she felt the same about it, because she didn’t want to push something she wouldn’t like to do. He took a deep breath and leaned forward.

“Are you okay with this?” he asked, almost as low as a whisper. “Do you mind me arresting you?”

Gwen couldn’t help giggle at the weirdness of the question, but she just shook her head. The whole thing was new to her and she found it frightening as well. However, her curiosity was stronger than her fears, because it didn’t matter how dirty it seemed, it made her feel excited.

“Okay, then,” Lancelot said, still being a little nervous, then he started to look for the handcuffs on his belt with one hand, while with the other one he was still holding down Gwen’s wrists.

However, finding the handcuffs wasn’t as easy as he had imagined: his hand was wandering on his belt without success: he found the billy stick, the gun, even his keys, but not the handcuffs. He blushed by his own clumsiness as he heard Gwen giggling again.

“Don’t fall out of character,” he reminded her softly, although he was laughing with her now.

“It’s on your right side,” she said.

“Thank you,” Lancelot said, then gently kissed her before he turned back into a policeman.

He took the handcuffs, making Gwen’s heart jump into her throat and she shivered as she tried to imagine what he could do with them. She swallowed hard and her eyes widened when he handcuffed her to the bed head, while her heart was beating so hard that even Lancelot could hear it. Realising that now he could do to her whatever he wanted made her breathless and she couldn’t decide if it was because of her fears or her arousal.

Lancelot’s heart skipped a beat as she looked down at Gwen, lying on her back, with her hands chained to the bed head, completely at the mercy of his. He took a big gulp, realising this and he just stayed there, staring at her, not knowing what to do next.

As she was looking at him with eyes widened and lips parted, he desperately wanted to kiss her, but he knew that it might not fit his character. When you arrest someone, you normally don’t kiss her, he reminded himself. And you don’t handcuff her to a bed either, he added, blushing slightly.

Gwen raised a brow noticing his hesitation. She had no idea what he would do to her, and when she tried to imagine what he could, it somehow made her feel excited.

“Now what, officer?” she asked, looking at him curiously.

Then she gasped for breath when Lancelot took the billy stick and ran it down her side. He moved it down on her leg and up on the other one, starting to build the tension inside her, making her long for the touch of his hands. She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself  down a little, but they popped open, when he undid her tie and started to unbutton her shirt.

He stopped for a moment, taking in the contrast between the white fabric and her brown skin - she was beautiful, he thought to himself with a drying mouth. He took a deep breath and opened the shirt, revealing more of her body.

“In the name of law, I need to...” attach this shirt, he wanted to say, when he realised he wouldn’t be able to take it off her, since her hands were cuffed to the bed. He pressed his lips together and ran his fingers through his hair.

“The drawback of a Blues Brother costume,” he murmured.

This wasn’t going well. He might have looked good in a uniform, but otherwise he made a terrible police officer. He let out a sigh, at the point of giving up this whole roleplay thing, when she started to speak:

“You seem smart, officer,” she said, smiling shyly at him. “I think you can manage.”

Lancelot smiled at her gratefully, gently stroking her face and she leaned into the soft touch, then gasped as he moved his hand down on her neck.

“I must remind you that despite your compliments, you’ve still broken the law,” he said, while his hands were now on her belly, making her writhe and shiver as his fingers tickled her skin. “And you still have to pay for it,” he added, then he bit his lip for saying such a lame thing. He decided to be the quiet officer from now on.

A smile touched Gwen’s lips hearing Lancelot’s words. He sounded like a badly written script, but combined with that ardent look in his eyes and the way he touched her, he made her burn inside with a growing desire to get rid of his uniform, to run her fingers across his skin - she even lifted her hands to do so, when she realised she couldn’t. With the handcuffs on she could only lie there and watch, which had its own bright side, too, she thought, shivering under his hands, although it was clearly annoying.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when he slowly pulled off her trousers. Now she was almost completely naked, and for a moment she regretted that she hadn’t chosen matching underwear, but she forgot this, when her eyes met Lancelot’s. His passionate gaze made her burn inside and outside; she felt as if flames were tickling her skin, while her heart started to beat fast, her mouth went dry and her cheeks turned red. She ducked her head a little, not taking her eyes off him, then she lifted her right leg and put her foot against his thigh. That was the only way she could touch him now.

Although it was clumsy and a bit rough, Lancelot liked her touch and he smiled at the idea she had.
“Officer,” she began, slowly moving her foot up his thigh, towards his waist, “don’t you think you are a little over-dressed?” she asked, then blushed, realising how bad it sounded; however, it was a lot better than the ‘Since I don’t know how to undress someone by foot, it’d be better if you did it yourself’ she had in mind.

“Am I?” Lancelot asked, flashing a smile at her, then he started to take off his clothes, as slowly as he could, knowing that Gwen’s eyes were fixed on him. Her gaze filled with desire made his heart race and his stomach clutch. A part of him wanted to release her already to hold her close, to kiss her, to let her touch him at last; on the other hand he was curious how far he could go, how much he could turn her on. Although he had no intention to hurt her or to push her into something she wouldn’t want to do.

The sight of his bare skin woke up the urge in Gwen to touch him again and it slowly turned into an ache that only he could ease, but right now he didn’t seem to do so.

“Are you torturing me?” she asked, pressing her wrists against the cuffs, while her eyes were wandering on his slightly muscled body; caressing his arms, his side, his chest with her gaze.

“It’s a part of your punishment,” he said with a drying mouth as he felt her eyes on him. “You shouldn’t have broken the law.”

“So you’re torturing me,” Gwen concluded with a small smile.

“I wouldn’t say that,” he began, leaning towards her, but she lifted up her leg, placing it on his chest, trying to keep him away from herself.

His eyes widened and he thought she might wanted him to stop; but he noticed the sparkle in her eyes and the smile that touched her lips, letting him know that she was only teasing him. So he started caressing her leg, moving his hands up slowly on her smooth skin.

Gwen’s heart started to race as he touched her and she squirmed when he reached her thigh, stroking it gently, building the pleasure inside her. Then all of a sudden he stopped, took her by the ankle and placed her leg on the bed. After it he leaned forward and kissed her neck, making her gasp for breath. She loved the touch of his soft and warm lips on her skin and she wanted to sweep her fingers through his hair, but all she could do was to strain her cuffs, while he was sending shivers down her spine, making her moan in pleasure.
Now his lips were on her collarbone and he was stroking her side, moving up towards her chest, where he realised that if he couldn’t take her shirt off, he wouldn’t be able to do anything with her bra.

“You can take off the straps,” Gwen whispered with a shy smile, being glad that she had chosen this one for today.

“Thank you,” Lancelot whispered back and gave her a gentle kiss before switching on the police officer again.

Gwen couldn’t help smiling as she watched Lancelot fumbling with her bra, although luckily, he found his way quite quickly and took it off, making her gasp for air again. She could hardly breathe when he carefully started to caress her breasts and she felt her nipples hardening under his fingers. She put her foot back on his bare thigh, moving it up until she reached his crotch and she started stroking him with her toes, through his boxers.
Feeling her touch, he closed his eyes and let out a pleased groan. Gwen smiled hearing it and she continued caressing him, drawing small circles with her big toe, making him breathless.

Then Lancelot leaned forward again and took a nipple in his mouth, and her whole body started to tremble when he began to lick it. His tongue was so warm and so soft that it made her melt inside.

She giggled as he kissed his way down on her belly, while his hands were stroking her hips and her thighs, until his lips reached her panties. She shivered again when he pulled them off and her heartbeat increased, when he felt his gaze on herself.

“Do you like what you see, officer?” she asked with a small smile, blushing.

“You are so beautiful,” Lancelot said, unable to take his eyes off her naked body.

His heart was about to escape from his chest, his desire for her turned into a growing ache that made him shiver a little. Before he could have even thought about it, he leaned towards her, and forgetting about the police officer he was playing, he kissed her lips with a burning passion, capturing her mouth with his.

Lancelot’s kiss set Gwen on fire: she felt flames racing through her body and soul as their lips met and he took her into his arms. She heard herself moan again when he deepened the kiss, cursing the handcuffs that didn’t let her touch him; all she could do was to arch her back to press her body closer to his.

She had no idea how long they were kissing, but she found it painful when he pulled away from her to catch his breath and to take his boxers off. Gwen swallowed hard watching him doing it, with a hammering heart and a trembling body. Once being completely naked, Lancelot took  a condom from the nightstand, but before putting it on, he looked at Gwen once more from head to toe, handcuffed to the bed, completely at his mercy. He wondered if it was right to continue it like this, or he should release her first, which might kill the whole game they had started. He tried to catch her glance  to find answers, and seeing her eyes widened with a strong, aching want towards him, all his doubts faded away.

She gasped for breath when he entered her slowly and carefully, giving her time to get used to the fact that she still couldn’t use her hands that by this time normally were already buried in his hair. Now she could only strain the cuffs with them, uselessly, though. She smiled at him gratefully as looking into his eyes she saw that he handcuffed his desires, too, letting her adapt to this situation. Lifting her head to kiss him, she wrapped her legs around his waist, giving him the sign that she was alright with it.

The room was falling apart, her sight was blurred and she could hardly breathe, clinging on the bed head with her hands and on Lancelot with her legs, when suddenly everything stopped - when the tension couldn’t grow anymore inside her, she reached the top of that wall, arching her back with her heels digging into his waist. He pulled his arms tighter around her, burying his face into her neck as he gave her one last thrust and their bodies strained against each other  for an almost unbearably long moment, before the pleasure waved through them, blowing away the clouds so they could see what was lying beyond the wall.

A whimper escaped from her throat and she started to tremble, while he, catching his breath, almost unconsciously began to caress her to help her calm down a little, then he gently cupped her face into his hands and kissed  her lips softly.

Once his legs didn’t feel like jelly, he got up, took the keys and opened the handcuffs, turning back into the police officer one more time.

“We’re done here,” he said. “Your... erm... punishment has finished. You can leave freely.”

Getting rid of the cuffs, Gwen stretched her body to bring her numb arms and hands back into life, then she sit up and wrapped them around Lancelot’s neck to gave him a tender kiss, which he welcomed with a smile.

“How are your arms?” he asked, pulling her closer to himself. “Aren’t they hurt?”

“No, they’re fine,” she answered with a warm smile. “Officer,” she added in teasing tone, then she kissed him again.

He kissed her back, laying her on the bed again, while she was caressing his face, his neck, buried her fingers in his hair, then she slowly turned him around, lying on top of him.

“Are we really done here?” she asked almost as low as a whisper, taking his hand and moving it up above his head.

And before Lancelot could have even noticed it, the handcuffs were around his wrists.

fanfiction, guinevere, gwen, modern au, gwenxlancelot, merlin, lancelot

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