Nov 17, 2007 21:34
OMGABY!!! SO long! XD I've been goving more importance to the RPG in LJ than my personal web and just now do I remember that this is my prerogative... am I using the world correctly? meh...
Tantas cosas han pasado chums! que ya quiero que se acabe Noviembre XD first of all because my cat died... *sobs* Momo. He was aboyt 6 months old and got (literally) made guacamole in the pavement by a car... it was really horrible, I'd just arrived home and I saw the neighbour throwing water on the pavement and I was all "WTH? that's a waste of water, washing the pavement" and then I noticed she was washing away blood... and Momo's blue collar with the cascabel was just there, like waiting for me with specks of blood... you can just imagine what happened next- :(
But all in all it's been good. I've been bonding with my generation better, and we even went drinking once when we didn't have a class. I got le tipsy and some asshole guy ACTUALLY asked my friends "Hey is she drunk enought to make out with me?" *pukes* although I did kiss this one bisexual guy the day after... *goes bright red* OMG...
And animewise I've been reading the manga of D. Grey Man... it's so weird and I was about to throw it away (internetwise) but then this one character called Rabi came in... and I got lost in his bishie-eyes...
De que rayos estoy debrayando ahora?! perdonenme no he tomado suficiente cafeina... la consumo de manera histerica ahora... si antes tomaba tres de cocacola al día ahora son dos de cafe y dos de coca...
Eh... se me acaba el tiempo y me tengo que bañar... así que regreso lueguirijillo okis? de cualquier manera me estoy tomando un descanzo de rolear ya que todos me odian en el juego por loca... wakalaka... jajaja...
Evil (zorris)