September's topical rant: Raymundo Ramos

Sep 06, 2007 18:01

So since my timestable is messed-up and there's now ay in  HELL I'm not taking japanese, I kinda had to place my language over my normal classes... yes, smart, but I had no choice. Anyway's the class that I'm half-skipping is theory of literary critics with raymundo Ramos, who is this super-old, wayyy to fat, cancerwalking bald man that just sits and rants on and on and ON about whatnot shit and whose classes suck. Really suck. As in 'Ohmygodthissucks!' sucks you know? the kind of classes from which you learn nothing and just waste your time and DIE of cancer, since he smokes and smjokes and when you notice everyone's smoking and you're just BLEH!!!

So I'm staying for one hour on his class, then I skip to japanese... I can only do this two days since the other two I have a very important class that I really can't skip.

Anyway's on Monday I went in and you know I was trying to not fall asleep when  1:00 came and I had to leave... which was really, a relief since by that time everyone in the room was smoking, it was all closed and I was chocking to death. So as I skipped out, he says "Wha- why are you leaving right now?" and I, sweetly pissed-off answered "'cause you're smoking and I can't beathe" which is right! I can't tolerate cigarette smoke. It makes my head hurt and my eyes water and it closes my throat... After I left he commented that it was easier for me to leave than for him to stop smoking, har har har... asshole.

So wednesday came. I was stuck in his class again. I got there and he was talking about whatnot shit with this other guy and we obviously had to wait for him to finish so he'd pay attention to us. Olivia, one of my classmates, had to go out early to for a dancing preformance she had. So there we are... waiting... chicking... bored the hell out of our skulls... until the time came. So we grabed out stuff and tropelled out and he turns to see us all pissy and goes "You know if you're gonna take 15 minutes of class just donm't go in okay?!" Excuse me. We took one hour of your stupid bullshit class. That you're talking your head off with some ass isn't my fault. So I just leaves, he gets pissed and takes us off his list. And bitches... So now I have to go TALK to him and explain why am I leaving early. But I know he isn't gonna give two flying shits... I know...

It's just really frustrating you know? 'cause the guy can be this fabulous writer (NOT) but he sucks at giving class. He doesn't get there on time, he's always smoking. Half the time we're sleeping right through his sesion since all he says is 'ah aristoteles... blah kant... blah tables... blah women... blah' No, seriously. EVERYONE in the career from third to eigth semester thinks he sucks, that he doens't care, he doesn't know how to give class... I hate that guy. HATE him like HATE!!!!!!!! damn! If I ever find him in the subway I'll push him in I swear!!!! he's an ass! WHO THE FUCK ODES HE THINK HE IS?! HE DOESN'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO COME, BITCH AT ME AND ABOUT ME AFTER ALL THE BOREDOM HE PUTS US THROUGH! PLEASE! LAST SEMSSTER HE VERY WELL THREW US AWAY 'CAUSE HE HAD TO DO HIS 'IMPORTANT BOOK' AND HE NEVER SHOWED IN CLASS. LAS TIME HE DIDN'T CARE ABOUT US LEAVING! LAST SEMESTER WE ALL WORKED OUT ASSES OUT TO GET A TEN AS A GROUP IN HIS STUPID ESSAY AND HE GAVE TOP MARKS TO A STUDENT WHO DIDN'T DO SHIT! AND WHEN WE WENT OVER TO INQUIRE HIM WHY, SINCE HE'D TOLD USS TO NOT COVER UP ANYONE HE JUST WENT ALL "OH BUT IT'S CAROLINA! SHE'S SO GOOD AND NICE!" ALL BECAUSE THE STUPID BITCH PUTS UP A SMILE AND WORSHIPS EVERYTHING HE SAYS! HE DIDIN'T STOP SMOKING BECAUSE I ASKED HIM FOR BUT IF IT'S FOR CAROLINA THEN OF COURSE I'LL STOP! POOR CARO! BOO-HOO!!! I HATE THAT FUCKED-UP ASSHOLE!!!!!!!


Ah... ah... I feel better....

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