"Do you want to go back? You should have known that the butterfly in reverse here is me..."

Sep 18, 2008 23:33

I failed my Astronomy test today :( It's not official, but we could keep our actual test sheets, and he posted the answers online. I missed exactly 12/36, heh, so a 66.6 [and on forever-ish][and well, technically that's a D, but whatever, heh]...it was annoying 'cause like half of those answers I either had it narrowed down to two with the one I didn't pick being the correct answer or I just did something stupid. If I had missed six less, I'd've had a B, heh. But yeah, it's okay because what would be the final is optional and can replace the lowest test grade...I just gotta do better in the future. I'll try to understand things better as he's teaching, I suppose. I'm optimistic in the 'it's possible' way, you know, heh.

I had a Latin quiz today, too. It went about the same as last time. It's annoying, making little stupid mistakes, heh. As long as he's not stricter, I'll probably do the same, but whatever.

I was excited for Supernatural's season premiere today :) I enjoyed it. This season looks to be interesting.

Got another test next week, in American Government - essay Wednesday, rest Friday. I feel the same way about that one as I did about Astronomy, heh -_-;

But yeah...it's all reasonable, and I was excited for Supernatural, but it's just a sad day.


/EDIT + meme/

Take a picture of yourself right now.
Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture.
Post that picture with NO editing.
Post these instructions with your picture.

Wet, wavy-ish hair, heh, pajamas...[so often a band t-shirt], listening to music, in my dorm room. There's my sink...and yay orange sheets...heh.

college, fandom

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