"And make me aware of being alive, being alive..."

Sep 02, 2008 15:59

So, I am suitably ensconced in my classes by now. There's a routine and everything...it's going okay.

I went home again this weekend, because it was a three day one. Saturday Meg and I went out to eat at Moe's with Kevin because it was his nineteenth birthday, woot. That was fun, chatting and such. And I admit I did like that burrito - rice and cheese [and chicken]? And something bread-ish? Sounds like me. We also walked to BAM, where I tragically forgot I was wearing my Marvel shirt I got at Comic-Con and pranced obliviously in the manga/comic section -_- [sigh]. We leftly shortly after I remembered.

Oh, and that night I called Alex, who [having previously watched only series one and two of DW and one of TW prior to Comic-Con] has now finished Doctor Who in a roundabout order, and is going to catch up on Torchwood. So we had a rather lengthy and comprehension dorky discussion of that ^^ Yay.

Then Sunday we all went out to eat at Olive Garden for Jessica's birthday...mm, good food...and then went bowling. Jessica was appropriately eee over her gifts [Meg got her several things with Joe Jonas' face on them...], and once I got into the swing of bowling I did okay [after not having bowled for seriously probably seven years]...and I actually won, too, haha.

But yeah, that was the sum of that business...I stayed up pretty late that night doing various things, including starting to watch another British tv show for unknown [or dubious] reasons. Then I got up and gathered things and left by four forty-five or so to go up to Atlanta and pick up my mom from the airport, yay. After we did that we went over to Kirt's apartment up there, and mom divied out some goodies - Skips [omgomgomglove], chocolate, and other gifts [another John Barrowman cd, ...series three-ish clingy stickers of DW [haha - they are on my fridge! pic on fb], an orange bag, etc.]

*And then...my sister called my brother and he put her on speaker phone - and she told us she's going to have a baby.*

Eeeeeeeeeee. Heheheh. My mom cried 'cause she was overwhelmed and such - I think the first thing she asked was what about the dog?! haha. I'm excited and weirded out, heheh. Yay cute half-Mexican little baby...that will live too far away ><

But yes, exciting news. I probably won't come home this weekend, though I would like to see my mom >< I'll probably just wait until next, when Brit and Meg are coming up for a concert on Friday, and go home with them on Saturday. Bah.

Two quizzes this week - Latin one tomorrow, eep. BWAP.

happenings, college, squee!, friendness, family

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