"And it's sure hard to know which way to go when you've barely begun..."

Aug 20, 2008 18:30

All righty, so here's a bit of a progress report.

I went to two days of Persian, then decided to drop it -_- That's really something that should wait until later, especially if I'm not doing a Linguistics degree after all. I replaced it with American Government, which puts me down to only 13 hours from 14 ['cause Persian is a four hour course], but I don't care. I'm not adding another class on top of this. I already have 16 hours, and having not only two language classes but two four hour classes, four days in a row, was freaking me out, even beyond the holy crap Persian thing. So yeah. I'm sad, because I really would like to learn that, but it's not for now...and I know a little bit anyway :D Heheh.

But yeah, now I've been to all of my classes. I went to Astronomy for the first time yesterday, and American Government for the first time today since I just added it. They're both huge classes, like 250 or something. But I don't care...they're also both classes with the same idea of you get three tests and the final, I think. But whatever. I looked up the American Gov't dude, and they said your grade depends on the TA, so I'm kind of o.o but I'm not going to worry yet, heh. I like the Astronomy teacher, but the American Gov't dude doesn't look exactly thrilling. We talked about the Declaration of Independence today. ...Woohoo. -_- It's gonna be like all the civics shit I've learned all over agaaain, dammit, haha.

So now my final [I hope] schedule is:

ASTR 1010  Astronomy of the Solar System  TR 
LATN 1002  Elementary Latin II                        MTWR
LING  2100 The Study of Language                MWF
POLS 1101  American Government                MWF

So I only have two classes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, woo. Now I have a day or more between classes for everything except Latin. Makes me feel better, heh. It's lame that my "breakaway session" for Amer. Gov't is at 9:05 [also that I don't have only one Friday thing but two, and they're like three hours apart, heh], but that just shows you that I'm now spoiled, haha.

Oh yeah, STILL haven't gotten the books I ordered a week ago. I've had to go buy the Latin stuff he didn't have listed, and now the American Government crap, but I still need the Ling one and the Astronomy one [and the Persian one to take back]. I think I'll be fine not having them the next two days now, but eh. They better get iiin.

In other news...I found the kitchen the next floor down and microwaved some Spaghetti-os yesterday and made macaroni on the stove today :D haha. Woo. Oh, and how about this morning - at FIVE A.M. - the fire alarm went off. And we had to evacuate from the ninth floor [the top floor] down all those stairs in our pajamas. And when we were coming back in, they totally still wanted to see our IDs, and a bunch of us were like - uh. They said "you need to have them next time." Yeah, because I'm randomly outside at five a.m. in my pajamas for no reason. And because I keep my ID in my pajamas. And because next time, when there actually is a fire [we got an email today saying it was a faulty smoke detector on the fifth floor], I'm not going to immediately flee because I'm on the TOP floor, instead I'm going to search for my wallet so I have my ID and can get back into the burning building.

Anyway. That was fun. Things are okay, now it's a bit more settled. I'm still coming home this weekend, though.


fail, mini-rant, college

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