Jul 17, 2008 05:20
So it's been a busy bit. I went up to Athens Sunday night for orientation the next morning.
God, so much pointless crap and waiting and such. I was really tired at the end of both days...jeez, is Athens hilly. And I swear, that's the end of my random socializing for a while. The food at UGA is amazing, I do have to say...and one dining hall [not the one directly by me, boo] is open 24 hours a day, bwahahaha.
I toured Oglethorpe House, my dorm [known as O House...], and yes, my dorm room is that small. Jesus. It isss one of the better places - it has a bathroom shared between two rooms [four people] instead of a community one for a whole hall. And apparently it has four more feet of space than the others in its community, haha [THAT SPACE WILL COUNT]. Something retarded...there's only one place to plug in your tv to the cable...and that one place does not have an electrical outlet near it. The nearest is on the opposite wall!!! WTF. I'm going to need an extention cord in addition to my extra-long internet one.
I signed up for classes and I'm taking [at least how I have my schedule at the moment] ASTR 1010 - Astronomy of the Solar System, LATN 1002 - Elementary Latin II, LING 2100 - Study of Language, and [because American Government is full and I didn't want to burden myself with another big core class I don't want to do, and anyway, I already have 16 hours of credit, pssh] PERS 1001 - Elementary Persian I. Can you say that's freaking exciting?!? [Yes, I am a supreme dork.] My earliest class is at 11:00 on Tuesday and Thursday - the other days? 1:25, I think. And I have only one class on Friday. This is like Callie's sleep schedule dream.
Concerns awoken by this trip? 1. Holy fuck I'm moving to Athens. Two hours away. Alone. As we first drove in there, I was kind of freaking out. But it got better. Kind of. 2. My major may have to change. But I REALLY DON'T WANT IT TO. Yes, I fucking know it might not be as practical as engineering, or medicine, or some other shit, but I'd rather shoot myself now than slave away at school being miserable, to later be miserable day in and day out as well, until I die. I'm just trying to find something that I won't completely hate, and Jesus, at least what I'm currently spouting isn't as dead-end as an English degree. I really feel like there's no job choices out there for me anyway. 3. I can't stand people. Really. I can't. Not just in the whole, I hate humanity, people are obnoxious way either. I can't be around them for too long at a time or I get - anxious, or something. I need alone time. And I don't know how I'm going to deal in that sense, up there. [No, I do not plan on having a social life, and I am perfectly happy there.] Also, I keep thinking of Jo, and I know all that crap was there before she went, but college didn't make it better. 4. Ah. I am lazy. Classes, crap. Do I know how to study? I don't really think so. Shit.
So my feelings for college are a mix of doubting/tempered excitement and an almost resigned fear that I'm going to lose it.
But yeah...I got home Tuesday at six something, and a couple hours later, Meg, Brittany, and Jessica came over to spend the night before I left. We did various things, I read the book I made for Jessica [our whole 12 year story written out children's book style on construction paper and illustrated with little doodles and printed images, then spiral-ish-ly bound and the front and back laminated] out loud to all of them, and then the next day Jess and Brittany and I chilled a bit and then Brittany stayed for curry - which was phenomenally awesome today. Ohmygod. Meg popped in to get her leftover curry and play pool and give me money to buy her something later, too.
And now, just after I'm done with Athens and crap, I'm going to California :D/D: Leaving here at four, flight's at 8:10 - I get there at 9:35, though the flight's four-ish hours. Trippy, not used to going that way in time, heh. My dad's coming in from his trip at seven or so, so he's just not going to go all the way through and come sit with me instead, which is a neat [non]coincidence. But yeah...woo Alex, woo Comic-Con!, and the Dark Knight, and such. I'll be back late Tuesday the 29th, but I'm staying in Atlanta with my brother that night, and coming home the next day. So yep. See yous guys later.