"Open your eyes, look up to the sky and see..."

Jun 12, 2008 23:46

Jeez -_-; This year - two flat tires, a mysteriously shattered window, and now...a minor accident. Jessica and I were supposed to do something today, and it kept getting pushed because her mom wanted her to do stuff, and then when she was finally ready she was like...I have to go to Wal-Mart first, wanna come? So we did that, and then we had to go back to her house to get her swimming suit before we came back to my house and went in my neighborhood, but she pulled out of her parking spot in her apartment complex aaand...hit someone. She did check her mirrors and everything but we guessed they were backing out at the same time...but because the other lady was pulled out farther Jessica got the blame. Jess' car is fine, but the lady's car [also a Camry, heh] has a dent in the back door. So yeah, there was a bit of waiting there and then, after all that, Jess just took me home and then went back to face the yelling...

So that was lame. But I came home and not long after I had been home, Kirt got here :D He brought SKIPSSSSSS. Love. And presents, which are awesooome. He got me some Pink Floyd pins, one of those big plastic rings [orange with blue and yellow, score], a print of Queen's A Night at the Opera cover art [1975, with Bohemian Rhapsody, etc. on it], the first smallish volume of Doctor Who Series Four [three eps, just came out over there ^^ <3], and this crazy and awesome bag [not a purse really, more a smallish traveling thing] that overall looks orange and gray, score...It's all supremely cool, heh.

A jalapeno, a bullet, and a skeleton flame thing...yep, it's all very odd - but they're all so happy :D Heheh. And oh yeah, the line's name is tokidoki, Kevin, haha.

But yeah, other than that...not much. Brittany came over the other day and we had some Bones love/sadness together...that was fun. Gotta go to the dentist tomorrow, boo, and probably to the bank to finally get me an account. Next week, Thursday I think, we're supposed to be going to Jo's :) But boo eighteen hours to get there :D And they want to stop in Louisiana on the way back! Hell no, that's like two full trips at once, and I'll die of boredom. They're talking about not getting back until the following Saturday - over a weeeek. Seriously. No.

Anyway...that's all. BWAP.

trip, oh noes, friendness, family

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