[fan]art dump

Sep 21, 2010 15:12

"Shall it become the wind?
I want this feeling to reach your town
Shall it become the wind?
I want this feeling to cross the ocean and reach you..."
[ dandelion - kokia ]

[notes: I love japanese traditional music. I really do.]

Hey guys :D

Uhhh >_> My head hurts so much. I can't remember the last time I had a headache, since I'm probably the only ( Read more... )

art: anri-chan, character: kufufunofu, character: asano, fandom: khr!, gifts, character: squalo, character: celty, art: squalo, art: izaya, art: sketches, art dump, character: izaya, art: celty, music: kokia, art: asano, fandom: drrr!!, character: anri-chan, art: kufufu

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kirishimaayama September 24 2010, 02:25:47 UTC
*_* They're all soo gooood.
I was right to call you Nappo-sama. T_T
Your handwriting is really nice, furthermore....

There's really nothing else to say but: aet;hewlnjgr;kwg /eyes dying

And I didn't know your surname was Lee. xD"

Hmm, headache. I have one right now I think. = = Or maybe it's my eyes that are hurting...
I can't take paracetamol either, for the record. But because I'm allergic. :|


kirishimaayama September 24 2010, 02:27:56 UTC
>| Hm, hope the headache isn't anything, anyway.
Just pay particular attention if it happens again. D:


nappo_chan September 24 2010, 20:43:46 UTC
I don't know how to deal with that many compliments in only one sentence.

And when I think they're done
Thank you so much. QAQ

ACTUALLY, it's not Lee. LOL
I was going to use my real surname, but I decided to change it the last minute because the few people that know me from internet know me as Andy Lee only. xDD Really, even people I know in RL think it's my real surname... The only thing left is for me to make an ID with that one xD
And I'm a bit scared of placing my real surname here. Dx Maybe some day I'll gather some courage, though D:

My eyes hurt a lot, too, if I stay too much time staring the computer's screen, which, of course, is not rare. Not being able to take it is such a drag, huh? ): Hope you're feeling better now :3

Thanks, you're so sweet ;A;
Yeah, I hope it wasn't anything, either =w= Yeah, I'll make sure I will see a doctor if it decides to hunt me again >w>



kirishimaayama September 25 2010, 13:04:51 UTC
*fanning you* Are you alright? xD
<33 ^__^
And hey, you're making me run and faint here from your awesomeness. D: /died

Ahh, ok. xD Well, I seem to be going by names that eventually link together anyway, but then people just forget them all and call me Kiri. Meh. :P
No worries. :D .... Uh, my real name isn't Kiri or anything either. >_>;;;;;;;

I think that is definitely a problem, since I spend pretty much ALL my waking time on the computer. XD It is. D: Especially when you have a cold though... is what I think. -_- Always annoyed that I can't take any of the cold medicines and feel better. T_T;
I do. xD I kind of get a foggy head at work which can then either be amazingly clear.... or something, when at home. :P

owo .... *let's herself be kidnapped by Nappo-sama* ....


nappo_chan September 26 2010, 23:25:59 UTC
I think I am, thanks. =w='
You are awesome, not I. D: *hugs*

Hahaha, well, I'd go for Kiri as well. It's cute! I know it's probably not related, but I'd never noticed we call you Kiri and Kiri = mist, haha~
IT IS FOR ME. Just kidding xD

I do that, too QAQ Ohh, my eyes, my poor eyes~
Yeah. My mother always offers me medicine, and I get all :c because no matter how much she tells me "it's just for today!", I can't take them. Dx If I go by "it's just for today" policy, I'll end up taking them everytime I need pills :x

YAY~ *glee moment*


kirishimaayama September 27 2010, 02:14:01 UTC
Don't deny your awesomeness. D:
Haha, would you know, it actually is. The kanji I use for my name 霧島綾真 means 'mist', 'island', 'flax/hemp' and 'true', sooooo what you're calling me, is actually mist. XD

Probably why I wear glasses. >.>
Ah yeah. D: Good that you stick to your own policy though. ^^
Paracetamol, yeah? I can't take it at all since I'm allergic, and if I keep taking it, the reaction's just going to get worse each time. :\ I'm not sure how much exactly it takes for me to have a reaction, but a couple of grams seems enough. -_-;

Where are you taking me, Nappo-sama? o.o


nappo_chan October 1 2010, 00:40:25 UTC
Hm... okay, then D:
Living and learning. My kanji knowledge is still a bit lame, so... *looks at kanjis* Ah, look, there's rain there ._.ll
I think I know 'shima'. At least I was supposed to, considering I think I already wrote it once ._. Or maybe there's a song with this kanji? Pff, whatever

I see. D: Such a drag...

Home. 'u'


kirishimaayama October 1 2010, 01:36:21 UTC
Mmm, I only know kanji because I know some Chinese, but my Jap knowledge in general is pretty lame. XD"
Well, we'll both get better. :3

H-home? *O* Nappo-sama ~ ! <3 (Kyaa? XD" )


nappo_chan October 2 2010, 00:29:52 UTC
I hope so :I

YES, HOME. Where I'll feed you to my devil dog. c:


kirishimaayama October 5 2010, 03:30:58 UTC
Me too. :|

.... D8 *runnnnnn*


nappo_chan October 6 2010, 16:56:28 UTC


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