Man, I can't believe
Jen is this drunk. She only had four glasses of wine! Still, I've never really seen her drink properly. But I ordered some fancy Italian resteraunt to deliver her a three course meal. Cost a packet, but it was a special occasion, so hey...
She came over earlier today and we... well, we talked. For a long time. I'm not too great at talking for that much time, 'cause as you know, I'm more of an action man. But we talked for like... Ages, about really deep stuff. I still can't believe it lasted that long, but once we started, I kept finding stuff to say. About stuff that's happened, both recently and more in the past, and where me and her stand now. I'd taken into account what a number of people said to me about this, and... we worked it all out.
I told Jen I loved her. I don't really know what that means, but I know how I feel about her and I know that it felt right to say it. It really seemed to make her a lot happier, but for some odd reason she started crying. Yet another thing I don't understand about girls. Sometimes I think it would be good to have mental powers like
She's sleeping now, all curled up on the bed. I've got some exercises to do before I turn in, and I might look into online flower stores while I'm at it. I heard girls really like flowers, right?
Almost forgot. I'll be at training in the morning. Been out of it too long.