but guess where i went last sunday???
booooyacahsha!.....i swear....best concert ever
it was at the hosue of blues and we (karen, bailey, cara and me) waited a hell of a long time to see them....and compliments to karen and her boobs, she was able to sneak in cameras and get right up front to take them.....omg...the hives effing rock
lead singer and sexy guitarist whom i think i flirted with...long story short he kept lookign at me and for a guy, he is one hot piece of ass...so i blew him a kiss...and hes like "o yeah!"..it was great...and only a little disturbing...
Almqvist (lead singer) with a light over his head
more of that hot piece of ass guitarist
ooo man are they all sweedish....
Almqvist raising it up....man was he great
posted this one cuz it shows his belly and karen almost wet herself when she saw it so i thought it wud be funny to hear about other girls that wet themselves when they see his tummy
lead singer again with the other sweaty guitarist...speaking of sweat, karen said she got some on her...
sexy guitarist messing with the crowd...hes like...touch my guitar!...so they tried to and then he wud raise it up...and hes like "NO!"
sexy singing with lead singer doing a wow dance
Almqvist up close...i mean really up close...look...hes like righ ton top of karen!
band again....
Almqvist up close again....
one last one of the band...
o man that concert was off the hizzle....got to thank karen for the pics and bailey for the awareness that the hives were playing and for getting my ticket....if anyone has the chance to see them, u so shud porque they have got to be one of the best bands live....