Jan 02, 2025 23:19
At least I don't feel
the need to open my
bedroom window at
night anymore....but
still....this is what
Winter is like now?
Meanwhile, the plan
is to go back to into
the Game, and make
it look gooder next
week. I've been out
of sorts the last few
weeks, soo I'm going
to go into storage, and
see if I can find what
I'm missing there...
I have some ideas for
stuff I want to do, but
energy levels have been
low... What can you do?
Mid Winter, Summer Blues?
Yah...this doesn't feel like Winter...
I remember adding pictures to posts
at one time, but then I also think that
I remember when they clamped down
on stuff like that. Like how we used
to be able to have more users pics....
Anyway, I don't see an option for
putting/attaching pics now, soo
I'm guessing that's a no go for now.
As for me, I'm updating now, cause
I stayed up too late last time, and
I do have things I want to dig around
for tomorrow.
......and on that note, I shall say good night.
I hope everyone is doing well, and having a
better Snowy Chrissy Miss than we seem to
be having here in Ottawa......
Horror Scope; Just because it sounds like a plan,
doesn't mean it's a good one. Plan twice, act once.
Some plans that don't turn out can be costly, so
pay close attention to the details.
P.S; They say "the journey is the destination", but
there are times when the destination is exactly that.
Just because you think you've done enough, doesn't
mean you can't go that extra kilometer. Sometimes
it pays to be thorough.