Sep 21, 2012 05:26
I am still around and am on the net most every day. Lots of things to do with hubby being laid off from Caterpillar in May and then his school and graduation. I have had too many doctor visits to count lately as well, just getting a lot of things up to date and suffering multiple food allergies, one on top of the other, all fruit and bean related so far except for a med I had to get off of due to heart related side effects and terrible heightened sadness on top of some things I was already sad enough about in the first place, nightmares that kept me awake all night for nights on end until I had the sense to stop this horrible medication. My moods greatly improved as soon as I stopped the Spiriva and the nightmares have stopped and more of a peace and tranquil feeling has replaced them. I think I had been too busy to listen to music for so long that it was actually having so terrible effect on me. At one point in my life I could not go a day without music and then I got so busy with other things in life until I had pushed music aside and then just as I embraced it again.....a blow like no other that I do not care to discuss here at this time, but things are looking brighter and I have found a smile in odd places like clouds and starry skies. I have been getting a lot of music back that I had lost due to the fact that I only had certain albums on cassette for years and then I had given them all to my Brother because I do not have tape players any more as most other people do not either but my Brother fiddles with older musical means lol...even 8 tracks. I think I even remember having a 4 track player long ago and used to listen to Dean Martin of all people....ok ok no laughs please, I was like 5 years old and brought up mostly by my Grandma. I miss you Angie where-ever you are and I do think about you often. I stay so busy with the market research and the hubby and pets *6 pets now*, 3 cats and 3 dogs. I so needed to update this LJ and I need to update my Myspace I have not been there in so long. I so want to get back to doing wallpapers and more fun stuff like I used to. Oh and can I say Fuck Kanye West!!!!! I am a Beyonce fan to the core but I mean come on Kanye you dumb ass you are a jerk for doing that to Taylor. She's great and did not deserve that shit. Man oh man. I'm seriously thinking of redoing my Myspace Lady Gaga style lol. Love that LADY GAGA!!!! Ok am going for now to do whatever. Got a 10 am doctors appointment.