Had to get this out &*%&$%^#%#

Mar 05, 2012 02:46

I am about to boil over, regarding a topic i get really tired of seeing over and over. Every time there is a thread in a given group about a really attractive woman, a woman with a figure to die for, a really drop dead gorgeous woman, some person in the group, usually a lard ass, pipes up and says oh she needs to gain weight. Ok nothing in the world spells hateful spite and jealous behavior like this. I have been on both sides of the coin. I have had the perfect figure and i have been fat, hell i'm still fat but i am not too wrapped up in my own insecurity to say hey that girl has it going on, she's pretty and thats the bottom line on that note. Drop dead gorgeous. I don't have to add the part about oh she should gain weight, just because of some jealous hateful zone some of these group members put themselves in. That is like putting up a red flag saying oh i am too insecure to admit the truth that said girl is gorgeous without some how taking it personally. That is so immature and bitch-like. And i really don't want anything to do with individuals that do this shit. Keep away from me. I don't know you.
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