ღ ☆
Anyone who can name what manga this kid's from will get....something. Probably for New Year's.
(HINT: what CLAMP character has blond hair and blue eyes?)
I'm DONE. DONE DONE DONE. well, I've technically still got that essay to write, but that'll be done between the hours of midnight and 3 am, when my bs-ing skills are in prime condition. BUT I'M DONE WITH A SEMESTER OF COLLEGE~
...now I just have to pack and clean up the atomic mess that is my room. As well as finish the scarves ^_^
ASLDKFJASDKFJ WHY DID I NOT READ REBORN SOONER. Though the huge long Introduction Arc started to drag near the end of it, once there was actual plot...aslkdfjasdlkfjasd I melted into piles of goo guys. GOO.
though I still don't get the whole thing in fandom about the characters being represented by numbers...someone wanna explain?
HEYEHEYEHEYEHEYEHEY GUYS I'M GOING TO KATSUCON~! I've got a room set up ($40 for the entire time), transport, as long as I do it two weeks in advance will only cost me $70, and reg is being sent in now~ This means that I'll be doing costume work at home, so hopefully I'll be getting a sewing machine soon. Maybe this'll mean I actually get started on Hei ♥ (current lineup is looking like Dahlia, Hei, and Tear. I might finish Ion, maybe start Karin, since I've been on that ever since I got my glasses^^)