May 27, 2005 01:19
why do i continue to do these things to me
how can i stop doing these things
do i even know what things im doing
is the an escape from this place im in
show me the exit sign
show me a way out
but there is nobody to show the way
no one to turn to in my time of need
im more alone then ever
and by myself i wander aimlessly
besieged on all sides
doubt and depression wrack my mind and soul
my body follows in suit and falls to pieces
my crying heart turns to rust
im left with a hollow shell of who i was
who i want to be is an intangible shadow
my hand searches for one to guide it
i find only empty air and silence
the darkness embraces me
i try to fight
and in fighting i fall
injured unable to stand on my own
nothing to save me
nobody to hold me
as i lay in a pool of crimson regret
a razor blade just out of reach cuts deep
a wound that will never heal
a wound unable to be seen
a deepness impossible to imagine
and i lay alone
as i die alone
my grave stone looms before me
old, worn and unvisited
a forgotten place
as forgotten as feelings
feelings my heart once held dear
feelings never to be felt by me again
the numbness consumes all in a cold flame