Hello my lovelies! TMBLUE was born, so I wrote fic :)

Oct 25, 2013 07:02

I give you two full fics of absolutely pitifully plotted RonPorn :)
In one of the fics, it's even very nearly his birthday.
He appears naked in both.
You're welcome.

Shari, I'm sorry love. I mention buttons rather too heavily in one scene. I'll write you a version without it, if it's too squicky. Also, yes, if you hadn't written Timeless all those years ago, I'd've never thought of this one.

Time Will Tell is the longest one. It's a bit more smutty than the second one for reasons that will make sense if you read both.

If you read both, you deserve a fucking medal :)

(click the images to download in iBooks (for iPad or Mac, but inexplicably not iPhone), or in perfectly useable on everything pdf.)
*hugs you all so tightly*

fic, yay!

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