im back, pink shocker, promotion, halo 2 live, meet the (cops) parents

Nov 16, 2004 23:23

hey everybody..."here's Johnny"!!!! im back b/c i remembered to come back to this website and im gonna try to be better @ keeping up 2 date

i havent been paintballing in 4ever and it pains me (im literally getting an itchy trigger finger - in physics today) BUT i was looking on ebay for a gun for me or ty and i found a BRITE PINK SHOCKER, im sooo feeling the color for some reason, for $300, off sweet deal (i cant get ahold of ty and i hope he remembers to bid on it)

i found out i was promoted to down stairs in the POS uppity restaraunt i work in, but downstairs= more $, get out of work earlier, and a better boss...good deal

today i played halo 2 on xbox live @ rob's with him and Drk and it was sick but i was sucking rediculously (i was worrying about later)

final score:
red team (me, rob and 3 others)-45
green team (5 other guys)- 50
blue team (Drk by himself) - 27 <-------- he was unstoppable

i went over to this really cool girl's house, Caeli (pronounced Chay LEE), to meet her dad...i have one word for you DEPUTY...aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh but it turned out alright he liked me and he's pretty cool too

today turned out pretty good except for a little bad news that could turn out to be even worse in the future (high^hopes) love ya sweetheart...peace
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