Long time no sea....

May 25, 2005 21:28

I've not posted in a while, been busy.
The play has started, and has gone better than I thought. The final night is on Friday, and encourage everyone to come by and watch, if you haven't already. I'll try to be gayer, just for you. If you show up.
Apparently, the play is good... it makes you think, as ms. Galea said. Anything that can get HER to think is pretty thought provoking, in my humble opinion.

Lately, I've not been keeping up much with people's lives on their livejournals. Apologies all around. I, too, would like to know who dreams of licking chocolate off of my body, but I've been too busy to find out.

Right now, I'm writing an email to the webmaster of this site I frequent, in an attempt to win this computer:

*Drools* Alienware Area-51. Thing of Beauty.

I still haven't seen Star Wars, but there've been mixed feelings about it. I'm trying my best not to let ignorant reviewers such as Harry Knowles, (http://www.aintitcoolnews.com/) Richard Roeper ("Harry Potter is definitely a better film than Lord of the Rings") , or any of the kids at my school, influence my enjoyment of the film, if I do in fact enjoy it.

Final Exams are Finally (hah) rearing their ugly heads, and I've been trying to ignore the impending signs. When denial fails, I could always try "a flippin' TWELVE GAUGE".

I downloaded the E-Book of Perfume, and I'm gonna read it, before I'm forced to pick it apart in English class at some point. That's what I hate about reading literature in English. The mindless interpretations and paraphrasings (in the case of Shakespeare) really ruin my enjoyment of most books. Especially if there's an essay involved. Romeo and Juliet in english is starting to be excruciating, with the endless paraphrasure and idiocy that goes on in my class:

Zum Beispeil.

R+J Act 1, Scene 1, 66-69

Capulet: What noise is this? Give me my long sword, ho! (endless laughter)
Lady Capulet: A crutch, a crutch! Why call you for a sword?

Ms. Goodman: What are your interpretations?
Cretin in class: Maybe, Lady Capulet broke her leg right before she says it, and needs a crutch...
Ms. Goodman: Ok....maybe....thats...a whole new side to it.
Me: Ummmm, I disagree....

Anyway, I've got to go answer these questions to try and win that beautiful machine. Feel free to give your ideas:

1.War of the Worlds is inspired by the HG Wells novel. What old-time novel or story (Wells, Jules Verne, Edgar Rice Burroughs, etc) do you think would make for a great modern film?

2.Speaking of Spielberg, he’s made some of the greatest films of our lifetimes. What do you think would be an amazing project for this guy to tackle? It can be an adaptation, a remake, or a general original idea.

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