Procrastination, hail to thee

May 08, 2005 16:17

As much as I'd like to be occupied elsewhere, I'm doing my personal project introduction. But after writing for about an hour, I realized that I'd done the entire thing in future tense, as in, I'm going to do this, and I'm going to do that, but it should be in I DID this and so forth. SO...... my muse is pretty much dead, and I REALLY don't want to do it any more.
Maybe it would help if my advisor weren't a neurotic Kiwi.
It's either that or my geography coursework, which is also very meh.

AND, this kid in my history class has my TASK sheet for the project due on tuesday, so I can't do anything for it, and have to do it all tomorrow, which is a major offgepisser.

I practiced the piano for about 2 and a half hours today, trying to iron out my pathetic little pieces into something presentable. I also learned some voice and body pieces, and now I've got to get back to work. The sad thing is, I'm griping and whining, but I'm sure most students have it worse. Especially seniors.
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