a scramble for Yabu♥

May 13, 2013 20:21

It looks like all of the members of Hey! Say! BEST; except Dai-chan, are scrambling for Yabu♪

Yabu & Yuya seemed LoveLove while they sang their part of Come on a my house.
Hikaru couldn't stand that and claimed "Yabu is mine!"

It was due to a little accident of choreography and a camera angle, but it was so funny.
I couldn't help laughing (*^_^*)

Ino-chan did the same thing at the same part of Come on a my house on Yan Yan JUMP.

Ino-chan was much shyer and modest to express his feeling toward Yabu♥
He couldn't interrupted them in the middle but a nice try(*^^)v

yabu kota, hey!say!jump, yaotome hikaru

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