Johnnys Baseball Tournament 2012 took place at Tokyo Dome on 18 Mar 2012.
This event was informed suddenly, like last week's Marching J.
JE emailed us for this ticket on 3 Mar and the closing date for tickets was on 5 Mar.
Tokyo Dome is such a big venue. I have no idea how they could keep it the last 2 weeks for the last minute events.
It was a 5 hour event, including baseball, soccer, marathon, relay and LIVE!!!
Unlike other years, all members were from newer debut groups, Hey!Say!JUMP(except Ino-chan T_T, Hikaru left earlier, maybe for his new drama), A.B.C-Z, Sexy Zone,Kis-My-Ft2 plus Jrs.
For throwing the first ball, Kame, Koki & Tackey were special guests. Kame for a pitcher. Koki for a catcher. Tackey for a batter. As usual they pretended to get into a fighting. But half-naked Miyata came out from the middle(*^_^*)
Miyata was a cheering captain for J White and Senga for J Red.
Ryosuke was a main captain for J White and Chinen for J Red.
Tackey left. Kame & Koki remained to a commentator desk along with Hikaru and Tottsu. Kame asked Marius to come there. He said Marius was so pretty many times^^
I'm not quite sure about baseball rule. Yabu run to the first base. Just before the next batter, he stole a base to the second base. But he left the second base. So his chance was finished>_< I think he doesn't know the rule very much like me...
Everybody said Yabu did a funny play(^^;)
Jrs sang between the games. After the baseball match Kame & Koki left.
Yabu was a captin for J Red and Ryosuke for J White.
Yabu wrenched his leg a bit. He left and changed to Dai-chan. Nothing serious at all. I think Yabu just wanted others to have a chance for the game. He is so kind(*^_^*)
During a half time, Jrs sang Ya-Ya-yah medley. Tsuka-chan was dancing in fornt of J Red team. I thought Yabu might be joining Tsuka-chan, but of course he didn't(>_<)
They used Tokyo Dome's passage for a marathon(^_-)
Shori was the fastest runner, but he's got a wrong course. He was so fast that's staff couldn't follow him to correct.
At first he was disqualified, but later he got the first prize^^
There were 3 racing.
Tsuka-chan was the first runner, but he started with backflips. So he was late, but other team members did the best.
So his team won!
Second rely was chibi Jrs, Kaoru, Reia, Amu, Jingugi, Kishi etc...
The last rely was totally exciting.
J Red - Kento, Hassi, Fujigaya, Chinen
J White - Fuma, Tama-chan, Kitayama, Ryosuke
noon boyz gave a signal for a start after singing UkiUki Watching.
The first runners were Kento & Fuma(^_^)v They were both so serious. Fuma won by a narrow margin. Then everybody did their best. Chinen won! Chinen looked very happy!
Sexy Zoane's new variety show was filming the backstage. We could see their backstage on the show^^
Kitayama sent a love message to Fujigaya, something like Fujigaya was always a bit away form me. I was always running after him. But Fujigaya ignored his hot message^^
Chinen got MVP. Masuda Ryo was there to help a presentation. He disappeared for a while but came back^^
・Everybody Go!
・Suna no Glass
・Za ABC ~5 Stars~
Uchi & Question?
Sexy Zone
・Lady Diamond
・Sexy Zone
Special guest YamaP
I think he is trying to be nice to Johnnys fans. Honestry I expected Tegoshi as a special guest for soccer...As I watched Marching J last Sunday, I understood a kind of rule. YamaP has a priority right now. If YamaP is somewhere, NEWS won't be there. I hope it'll be back normal.
He had his hair cut.
・Ai Texas
・One in a Million
Kansai Jrs
I don't know their song names...
・Dial Up
・Yoku Asobi Yoku Manabe
・Super Delicate
・Mayonaka na Shadow Boy
・Hitomi no Screen
・Magic Power
Everybody came to the pitch to sing Yuuki 100%.