AUGH! I cut the top of my finger open! D: It's sliced at the eponychium! ;-; I was cleaning the kitchen, wiping the counters. I went to clean under the microwave oven and the metal just sliced right into my finger! I didn't even KNOW an OVEN could cut! How very lame. I'm half tempted to demand that evil contraption's demise! >_>
I read Naruto 442. I was expecting something a bit more...dramatic? >.>; I can sort of see why people lost interest in the series. But ah, I love it still. D: Even if the series has dwindled into pointless chapters of nothing. XD;
Also, I've gotten into D.Grayman. :D Which means, more anime/manga shit to spew about here. Isn't that exciting? OMFG I HAVE SUCH A GIRLY CRUSH ON TYKI MIKK IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY.
There's a guy at the local anime store looking for Transformers, specifically G1 and Binaltech. So, the owner asked
fortressmaximus and I to see if we could find some for him. Apparently he can't find them. Which strikes me as odd. I know some of them are pretty hard to find, especially for a price that won't kill you, but it's not impossible. >.>; Guess this dude is just lazy/lame/internet-illiterate. So,
fortressmaximus made a list of all the ones he could find, now we just have to wait and see if the guy wants any.
Ugh, my finger tip feels numb. =_=;
I'm tired.