Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with.
Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
These are from
love-dokkyun. XD
1. Katekyo Hitman REBORN!
Well, it's a series I'm currently REALLY into. FFFFFFF OH GOD, IT'S BECAUSE OF LAMBO AND HIS STUPID ADORABLE SELF. I started reading it mid-last year and I got totally addicted. As for how I got into the series? A
picture, after seeing this I just HAD to know what this was all about. XD TAKEUCHI JUNKO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH MY DECISION TO WATCH THE ANIME!! *LIES!*
2. Movie
OH GOD. This has been a life long deal. My mother and father are HUGE movie buffs. If there was one thing that was certain in my home while growing up was movies.
I was taken to see every new children's movie, I was taken to see almost any new movie. My parents rented hordes of movies, so much infact that they had membership to nearly EVERY video rental store in the city. O_o I've seen nearly every 80's movie. I've seen some many old Kung-fu movies, that if I had copies the movements, I'd be a master! >:D Now-a-days, I watch movies alot less (since I don't live with my mother anymore). And when I do, it's usually at the movie theater. Last movie I saw was: Taken.
3. Find Music for People
Oh, I don't even know why I like doing this! XD;; It had originally started as something I did for my sister. Then
fortressmaximus got corrupted into my music taste, and I had to find more for him. Then I just ended up doing it for anyone that asks. O_o Also, there is the bonus of trying new music! :D
I think I've gotten fairly good at it too! :P
4. DJ OZMA <3
What? You put dj ozma <3!
I found him through Naruto. His Lie-Lie-Lie is the ending theme for the first Naruto Shippuden movie. So, after that I kind of ignored him, but then I stumbled upon him in that MTV outfit. So, I went on a HUGE spree of downloading his music and videos and pictures and nosebleeding a few times. Then I corrupted my sister and brother. And you know the rest! D:
I found Kishidan through him too.
5. Karaoke
I've never actually done karaoke before. This sort of comes from my sisters obsession with the 'Laser Karaoke' place in Japantown. Though, there are a few songs I'd LOVE to karaoke.
I didn't ramble on as much, but I did it! XD
TEAMねこかん - Air Man ga Taosenai (Air Man Will Not Die)
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Oh god, this brings back memories. XD