Sooo, I've been busy with real life. Well, as much of a life that I've got. XD;
And in my free time, I've been trying my hand at coloring.
I've been trying my hand at manga coloring. Why? Because I was bored and I needed something to distract me. And I was reading manga at the time. >.>;
So, I ended up reading some tutorials and have been trying it out.
Tsunayoshi from 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN!
Grimmjow & Ichigo from BLEACH.
Hopefully, I can get semi-good at this.
Also, feel free to take them if you want, no need to credit. XD;;
Tomorrow morning, I go take my baby in to get fixed! And also to catch up on her shots. Then hopefully I won't have to worry about it for a little while. x_x
FFFFFFF Graham from G00 is being called Mr. Bushido?! XD