Dec 29, 2008 15:32

bored! :o

stolen from underthenoise @ screwyouhippies
I'm cheating, since I'm going to use winamp! :p

Sort by Artist
First artist: [_Vani_lla]
Last artist: Zodia

Sort by Song
First song: Ai no Melody (Original Version) by Kokia
Last song: You're Not Alone! by Nobuo Uemetsu

Sort by Album
First album: (miss) understood by Ayumi Hamasaki
Last album: 雫 -shizuku- by Kagrra,

Sort by play count... What are the top 5 songs?

Sort by length
Shortest track: Kuon Game Intro 0:14
Longest track: Art of Life by X-Japan 28:55

Go to party shuffle. What are the top 10?


iTunes Oracle: Turn on random. Push next before each question to see if it answers it somehow.

What kind of person are you?
Song: Love Me Or Hate Me
Artist: Lady Sovereign
comment: hahaha..Ok. XD

What’s the story of your life?
Song: Save Me
Artist: Jem
comment: fffffffffff ok? XD

What will the future of your romantic life be like?
Song: I RAVE U
Artist: ravex feat. DJ OZMA
comment: ...WHUT? XD

How will you die?
Song: Economical Animal Superstar
Artist: Aural Vampire
comment: ..........?!

What will your job be as an adult?
Song: Do yo thang (Live)
Artist: Tanaka Koki
comment: Uuh..yeah! :B

What’s going to happen within the next year?
Song: Little vampire
Artist: Lara
comment: ...really now? XD;

How about the next month?
Song: In The Future
Artist: hitomi
comment: That would have fit better above...

What will become your fetish?
Song: Tooth & Claw
Artist: Killer Instinct Killer Cuts
comment: ...Sounds kinky as hell. Oo;;;;


Do you own more than 100 rock songs?

Do you own more than 100 rap songs
Does korean rap count? :x If so, then maybe.

Do you own more then 100 pop songs?

Do you own more then 100 country songs?
I don't think I own any..>_>;

Do you pay for your music?
I try to. :/

If not, where do you get it?

Do you feel bad?
Sometimes. :/

What is your favorite song on your iTunesWinamp?
Uh..there are alot. As of right this minute though
Silent Hill: Homecoming - One More Soul To The Call

Who sings that song?
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn

Do you own any Eminem?
Own? Naw.

Do you own any Kelly Clarkson?
hell no. >:O

Do you own any Toby Keith?
Eh..who? >o>;

What is your favorite genre of music?
anything that sounds good. :p

Do you listen to iTuneswinamp often?
Whenever I'm on the my laptop. :B


How does the world see you?
Song: Defective Tragedy by the GazettE
comment: how depressing. ;.;

Will I have a happy life?
song: Bousou Skyline Phantom by Kishidan
comment: Uh? >.>

What do my friends really think of me?
song: Miss Murder (AFI Cover) by Kyosuke Himuro
comment: explains why I only have 1 irl friend. XB

Do people secretly lust after me?
song: One Night by DJ OZMA

How can I make myself happy?
song: Determination by Transformers: Galaxy Force OST (dunno the artist right now)
comment: Huh..that works. :D

What should I do with my life?
song: Rollover Senorita by Kishidan
comment: WTF?! maybe I should take them out. XD;;

Will I ever have children?
song: Parent Waltz by ? (Invader Zim OST)
comment: ha..winamp is scary today.

What is some good advice for me?
comment: ...uh, ok.

How will I be remembered?
song: Bleeding Heart by OLIVIA
comment: huh..thats not right. :o

What is my signature dancing song?
song: Heat Man Battle by Capcom (Rockman 2: The Power Fighters)
comment: Uh..yeah sure ok. XD;;

What do I think is my current theme song?
Helter Skelter by FLOPPY
comment: idea.

What does everyone think my current theme song is?
song: Quiet Destruction by Michiru Oshima
comment: uh..this song is kind of depressing.

What song will play at my funeral?
song: Let The Flames Begin by Paramore
comment: I being cremated? >.>;;;

What type of men / women do you like?
song: Big Bang (English Version) by Big Bang
comment: ffffff TOP! <3

What is my day going to be like?
song: Redlight District by Porcelain and the tramps
comment: I feel dirty! ;o;
Boys and girls in the Redlight District, Take it to my private room, I'll make you dirty boys blush blush blush blush, I'll make you dirty boys blush blush blush blush

Haha..some of those anwers were crazy.

I need to get dressed and shit. :o

meme, music

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