I didn't actually get to talk *to* him, but I got to be next to him while he talked to other people. When I came up, he was telling a friend about how they are planning to move because the little dude is now "mobile" and stairs are now dangerous. You can see his love for his son from space, it's really adorable.
I also got to hear him tell the comic's writer that he saw the summary for the next series, and it looked great. The writer said he was looking forward to Pete's input, and Pete responded with a comment about how this was their world, with the implication that he wouldn't feel comfortable butting in. So I doubt the comic has much from him.
Finally, I bought two copies and couldn't care less about the actual comic, so if anyone wants the Meltdown exclusive cover, drop me your address in an email - naotalba at netzero dot net.