Way late, a video shoot recap post!

Jul 11, 2009 11:16

I did not get selected to be in the video, but a) I planned to crash anyway, and b) I found a friend who hadn't used her plus one (thanks mewsikgrrl9898!)

I got there before 2, which was when we were told to arrive. It was at the harbor in San Piedro, an industrial area. We got told almost immediately that we would be "on a boat" and that SNL skit song got stuck in just about everyone's head for the next seven hours.

For the next four hours, we sat around and watched band boys come and go. Brendon and Spencer came, but as soon as Brendon started talking to fans, Spencer gently took him by the arm and said something like, "I think we have to be over there now" while pointing in a random direction past where fans could go. They then stood by themselves looking at the water obviously bored for the next 20 minutes. I realize now that it was probably really hard for them to deal with fan questions right before they announced the split, but at the time it just looked like Spencer didn't trust Brendon not to embarrass himself.

Andy and Joe got there shortly after I did (Patrick was there all day, and at the beginning had his shirt tucked in, leaving bad!naotalba staring at his behind from a distance). Andy stood just out of reach at first, talking to Marcus and kind of looking at us.

Andy came out later and took this panaramic picture.
then he took this video

image Click to view

Which when I first watched, I didn't have the sound on, leaving me going, why is Andy filming me drinking a soda?

When I'm sitting around, I tend to play with my iphone. I do that a lot. So when I looked up from playing with the FOB app on my phone (which doesn't work very well) I saw Andy, now standing past the line of where fans were allowed to be, also messing around with his iphone. I went over to bug him, unaware that what he was doing was playing with the video recording function. Here's the result:

image Click to view

(Note that I asked ICH not to link, because I don't think there's much for fans there unless you know one of us, but towards the end Andy films down my shirt and I really don't want to hear what random strangers will have to say about my cleavage, not to mention the idiots who feel the need to link the guys to slash when one of us gets on the radar).

Of course, once he stopped recording, I stopped acting like such a spaz, but I can't prove that part. He and I had a nice conversation about the new iphone, tattoos (my octopus tattoo is way cooler than his :p), and the couple making out in the corner (who he tried to film, but it was too dark).

Andy: Why would you just make out like that?
Me: Because making out is fun, and sitting around waiting is boring.
Andy: (concedes the point)

Andy ended our conversation with, "I'm going over there now," which made me feel like I wasn't the only socially awkward one in the convo.

The MTV interview was shot about 15 feet from the fans, and I suspect they had to edit out of the audio my a) ogling Pete's behind (he was wearing his pants more sagged than usual, which I didn't think was possible), and b) laughing my Eddie Murphy laugh (it's a really loud honking noise, and once I start I have trouble stopping.)

Pete also came out to the food area at one point to demonstrate his ability to eat a banana in two bites and pole dance. The director was watching and told us very firmly no cameras, sorry. Pete left after filming only one scene,
I wrote in the dust of his car while he was there, though ('27,' my favorite song, nothing too stalkery). Pete did stop to say goodbye and thank us for coming. Some people were really mad he left before we went on the set. Personally, when I'm done at work, I leave, too. His scenes were done filming (I'm guessing the concept of the video has something to do with the fact that he's onshore while the rest of the band is on the boat).

After about 4 hours, they started picking out people to be in the video, and I found out why I wasn't selected - they were looking for small fragile "victims" or "punks," and I don't fit in either category. So I was stuck on shore while about half the group got to be in some scenes.

Once it was my turn to go on the boat, Patrick was already completely engulfed by the fans from the first group, and the director was saying to spread out. Joe Andy and Brendon were pretty crowded, too, but Spencer was all alone. He was a gentleman, acted much older than his age and calmed me down when I was being my spazzy self. We talked about how much we wanted a Denny's run and made fun of the pyrotechnics dudes.

Lots of smoke, in various colors.

The director said, "put your arm around the guy next to you!" and I went, "HAHAHA" because I don't think any of the other band dudes let people get away with it, but Spencer was awesome. His hair is very, very soft. He doesn't photograph well. In person, he is one of the most handsome men I've ever met, much better looking then Brendon.

Then, I started gravitating up closer to the camera, while Brendon started backing away from the Patrick nebula, and we met. killswitchdream had the first Panic! tattoo that Brendon had ever seen, and when she reminded him of it, he remembered her and said he was glad she hadn't covered it up or anything. (he's a big dorky spaz, we have that in common) I suggested she change it to "Panic! trapped in Crisco!" Brendon liked my dorktastic glasses, and my dorky plaid iphone cover. I was happy. Here is what a dork I am:

After the extras were done (or at least my group), I saw Patrick standing around. Of course, I said hi and got a quick pic before we were shooed off the boat.

On the dock, Doug (of Doug Does Decaydance fame, he works for Decaydance and did an album of Decaydance covers in a Jazz style) was standing around. I was the only fan to bug him, I think. He seemed very gratified to hear someone wanting to know about his plans for another album. Also, I think he's cute.

If I end up in the video at all, it will be with my hair looking like that.

They were filming the guys in small boats with some of the "victims" as we left, Joe and Spencer in one boat, Andy and Brendon in the other.

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