I haven't posted in a while!

May 31, 2009 21:17

A couple of notes:

1) The new Star Trek movie! Yes! I might or might not be plotting a bandom crossover where Pete Wentz is actually a Romulan. Please drop me a comment with any times you can think of when Pete might have bled in front of his bandmates. Do we have any actual canon on the color of his blood?

2) Hi Brian and Beth! For those of you that don't know, they are two employees of Fall Out Boy- Brian is a guitar/bass tech, and Beth does merch. Someone linked this journal over to them on twitter. I've never tried to hide the fact that I write slash, but I also try to keep it from making people uncomfortable, which seemed to be the goal of the person posting the link.

I am choosing to believe that if they actually clicked the link (and I doubt they would) it is because they find the idea of their bosses banging one another hilarious. So if you did, hi guys! Check out the adult baby story. Let me know if you have any requests.

3) MOST IMPORTANTLY: remixredux09. Holy shit am I nervous, but I'm signed up. I remember two years ago I didn't have enough stories, then last year I was into bandom and remix wasn't RPF. But now it's been opened to bandom, giving me three qualifying fandoms. Please bandom people come and play- here is the info you need.
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