Far Apart Postings are Long-time Sent Hello's...

Jan 20, 2007 12:03

So I have not made a Livejournal entry in a long, long time, despite stuff's happenings which would constitute entry-age. This Livejournal post is brough to you by the "Paul McCue Dictionary". The "Paul McCue Dictionary", unnecessarily adding -age and -ness to words for nearly a decade. So I'm here at American University visiting Cynthia, for those of you in Jersey who are wondering where I am and those of you in D.C. who will be surprised if you run into me at any point during the weekend. I'll be here till Monday morning thanks to my excellent class scheduling, 19 credits yet I still have a day off and no class Friday after lunch or Monday before 6 PM, woot. Cyn and I finally got to watch "Elizabethtown", which I refuse to watch by myself cause it's a people movie.

Oh, inspiration that I'd meant to put up here but I was far too lazy to actually make a post regarding it... that or I just kept forgetting, either or, oh well. Here's a little gem of philosophy, something that I know Gabu's told me she likes when I just blurt them out:

I have been into the valley and seen the world when it was young and new. The landscape were hills and rolling plains of clay, untempered or molded by the will or wills of any who would seek to make it something for themselves. Let us all be like the clay when the world was young and new, so that if the paths of our lives lead us such we are ready to be molded to continue upon such a journey until the valley's end.

On such a note, I'm going to get going, but will talk more about wonderful D.C.-ness later. Lots of love to anyone I know reading this, since I never know if anyone is or if everybody is, either or, oh well. Heh, let us all be like clay... snoogens.
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