SHOXX Nao'ssu vol. 09 (back number)

Jun 07, 2005 02:39

everyone MORIiiiiN... hello, this is Nao.
ah~ the temperature change has been drastic, hasnt it~ does anyone catch the cold?
speaking of which, i'm the type who actually wants to catch the cold... because i want people to be worried about me..
ah anyway let's just leave that story, and let me tell you a weird experince i had while the sumer heat is still lingering.
it happened when i was in the 3rd grade, when i went to play at my grandma's house on the Bon festival.
because my grandma lives near the sea, i went to the beach with my cousins. we would go swimming or try screaming our lungs off there.
when my (older) brother saw us, he said "hei you guys! didn't i tell you not to go to the sea on the Bon festival day?!" (angry tone)
what happened at that time, i will leave it up to your imagination.
but in the end, we came home crying and ate our dinner.

then, while the adults were starting to have fun on the dinner party, we were getting very tired and ended up falling asleep in the living room.
not long, the adults finished up their dinner party and started retiring which left the house extremely quiet.
around 3 in the morning, i was awaken and had a brief glance over the room. there were about 8 people who slept in that room and a big Buddhist altar was placed right in the middle of the side wall.
suddenly there was a sound [gasaa] and i quickly asumed it was only somone who just changed their sleeping position, but my brother seemed to be awaken too and our eyes met.
when i nod my head, my brother also nod his in response. and at that moment, the altar began to rattle [gata gata gata] as if there was an earthquake coming from it.
my brother and me were so shocked, we were stiffen with our mouths open. honnestly, i don't remember what happened after that.

the next morning, i thought myself it was probably only a dream, so forget about it.
in the afternoon, we were preparing to go home, after waving good bye to grandpa and grandma, our car left the house.
then i suddenly remembered abour the dream, so i told my brother "last night you appeared in my dream, but the altar was shaking, it was so scary!"
but he said "that wasn't a dream!", and those were the only words he could say...
anyway, there was happenings in past~ when brothers both experienced something weird together, right~
even now, i still think about that experience.. what was it actually~ ?
anyway that was the story! then with that i think i will end it here!!
by the way, our new single [omou] will be on sale on Nov 27, please look forward to it!
baaibii~, this is Nao!!!
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