So, I've been told that by a certain someone that I need to update my journal. Since Luke feels that I should I shall but I really have nothing to write about. I was writing this paper today and couldn't finish it so Jessi is be a super friend and fixing it and adding stuff for me at the price that I start her paper for her. Which I think is awesome because we both get to do stuff that we want to/can do. lol Then Luke was suppose to entertain me today and he so sucked at it and put me in this chatroom with Kyla and Kyle and god are they boring, no talking what-so-ever but then again maybe that's why he added me, is it Lukey? lol. Luke you think up things for me to write about and I'll write about it ok? Otherwise you get to read boring stuff like this that you already know. MWUAHAHA
And by the way...
-Jeff Thomas