From Emily at the Borders at Bailey's Crossroads event near Washington DC comes the prompt "Maximus and virgins" (this prompt may be more understandable if you know that I am reading my Team Unicorn short story from the upcoming anthology
Zombies vs Unicorns while on tour).
This one's an AU. :D
"First of all, I don't want to eat any of you lot," Maximus said, "and if I did, I don't see how that would make any difference to the taste."
He felt rather injured at the suggestion; he had only meant to snatch the horse and had not seen the fellow on its back at all until the armor had squeaked unpleasantly under his teeth.
"And now I think of it," he added, with indignation, "I suppose they wouldn't like to be et anymore than you would, so I don't see what you are about, offering: I call it cowardly."
Having lovely time at Infinitus, where our lunch panel went swimmingly, got quite an interesting prompt to write at the signing, and tomorrow it is on to Boston and Pandemonium Books! Hope to see some of you there! :D