Thanks to the cosmic forces for bringing us this warm winter. It makes the selection of clothing each morning much easier, since the average of all my possible outfits seems to be something perfect for 58 degree days. Texas for 9 days was a welcome diversion. I slapped together
this video with iMovie. I didn't think too hard about it, because I didn't want it to feel like work. I'm all for play.
Speaking of playing, cello lessons are going well. I can now almost play two fiddly fiddle tunes without stopping, and so far the neighboring hordes haven't appeared at my doorstep with torches. It's challenging because so much body memory is involved. Also, there's less tolerance of "slop," whereas with the guitar, you can disguise a lot of bad technique with the right strumming, fingerpicking, or rock n roll charisma. My first song is called "Bile 'em Cabbage Down."
Speaking of which, I think it may be time to create borscht.
In other news! I missed my bus downtown today by about 3 feet. If I were more desperate, I would have banged on the back of the bus like a madwoman, but I loathe drawing attention to myself in that setting. No, I decided I would much rather race down the street and draw people's attention to my cheetah-like gaits, as I ran across some back alleys to meet the bus at its next stop near 6th and Lenora. I actually BEAT the bus there, thank you. But imagine my chagrin when I noticed that the bus stop had recently been DECOMMISSIONED. I was out of luck and steam. Metro, you have won again!