Title: Strange Satellite
Chapter: 1/9 So I Stayed In The Darkness With You
Pairing/Generation: Naomi/Emily, Katie/Effy. Gen 2 mostly, with Gen 1, and no Gen 3 as of yet as I haven't seen it.
Word Count: 7, 479
Rating: Not for the overly sensitive. R? I don't know, there's an international discrepency between ratings system. There will be swearing, and killing, and sex, and lesbians, and heterosexuals, and gay men. So let's say R.
Disclaimer: I don't own, or claim to own, anything related to Skins. Borrowing the characters and throwing them into an entirely different universe altogether. I also don't own Twilight, and wouldn't ever want to BECAUSE I HATE IT. Some people think this is a tribute and, just, no. More a slap in the face. Chapter title from Florence And The Machine's 'Cosmic Love'.
Summary: So like, this is the sequel to Between Daylight And Darkness (
Chapter One), and it certainly took me long enough to post this, since I wrote it over a year ago. I have no idea if anyone is still interested, but I've recently gotten some comments on it here and at ff.net so thought, screw it, let's DO THIS THING. Unlike the first story, this will cycle through a few different POV's, starting with dearest Emily because, actually, I kind of love her. This is a sequel in the truest sense of the word, so it will probably be horribly confusing if you haven't read BD&D. You'll be all, "WHAT IS HAPPENING?! WHY ARE THEY DRINKING PEOPLE'S BLOOD?!" and I'll be all, "I TRIED TO TELL YOU! I HAD THIS IDEA THIS ONE TIME AND GOT CARRIED AWAY! OMG JUST READ THE FIRST ONE AND MAYBE IT WILL MAKE SENSE TO YOU!" and I hate it when we yell at each other. :(
Chapter One: So I Stayed In The Darkness With You