An Indigo Kiss - Prologue

Oct 24, 2010 18:26

Title: An Indigo Kiss - Prologue
Author: jellie_ellie
Rating: pg-13 for this part I think
Warnings:Character Death (?) , Angst
Disclaimer: I don't own anything whatsoever. Naomi and Emily belong to the lucky people with copyright
Summary: AU Naomily. Naomi is an agent who she never lets anyone in. In her line of work it isn't wise. Neither is falling for a client's daughter. But when Emily Fitch is around Naomi will find that she doesn't care about being wise.

A/N: Previously posted on Please review :) I’d love to hear what everybody thinks.
I am a new author, but I’m sure I can take some criticism... as long as it’s constructive :P
Thanks for reading! :D

An Indigo Kiss


A gunshot.



By the time the sound stopped reverberating off the walls, she was already running. Why wouldn’t her legs move any faster?

A gunshot.

That’s what it had to be. And yet it was inconceivable to her that that is what it was. She had checked! She had bloody checked! Nothing could harm her Emily, she had been sure of it!

Naomi was moving full speed and yet everything seemed so SLOW! Almost as though the universe didn’t understand that she needed to be by Emily’s side. But how could it not understand? It was such an obvious fact.

Finally, finally! Naomi burst through the door.

Then she saw her...

That was the moment that the world was drained of colour, of substance, of meaning. Of anything other than unbearable pain.


How could this happen? Not half an hour ago Emily was walking hand in hand with her through the streets of Paris, her radiant smile lighting up the moonless night, her presence lighting up Naomi’s soul.

Now here she was, beautiful face pale and still, her striking red hair the same colour as the blood seeping from the wound in the centre of her chest.

And Naomi couldn’t move. She barely felt the rest of her team shoulder past her, didn’t see as they stretched the straps of an oxygen mask over Emily’s nose and mouth, heard nothing as they shouted Emily’s vital statistics to each other and then began to shock Emily to try and get her heart to restart.

No. All Naomi could feel was the pain, unimaginable and all-consuming. All Naomi could see was Emily’s eyes, staring, unseeing, at the ceiling. All Naomi could hear was the silence where the sound of Emily’s breathing should have been.

But then a voice, just one, broke through, “...time of death 11:34.”

And Naomi’s heart shattered.

fanfic: pg-13, fanfic

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