Title: F is for...
Rated: PG-13 for language; R later
Lily/Kat RPF
Set six years after Skins ends
Not real. Not real. Not real. Any similarities would be wonderful.
Comment, as you like. If you don't approve of RPF then DON'T READ IT!
My first fic, so please be kind.
Part 1/? F is for... )
Comments 14
"Kat too, is taking in Lily’s familiar scent of, Mmm, what the fuck is it? Kat attempts to recall through her inebriated mind but really doesn’t care at this moment. Just wants to take in Lily. So she pulls back again, mindful to keep her hands in Lily’s hair. She presses her cheek to Lily’s and shouts, “I fucking missed you, Loveless,” before locking eyes with Lily again.
Lily smiles. All teeth. She doesn’t lean down to Kat’s ear, but only mouths the words ‘I missed you too.’ "
Soo sweet. :) Keep going!
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