That Google thing again

Mar 27, 2006 12:57

Did that Google thing again, but with "Naomi needs" this time.

"Naomi needs to shut her pie hole and stop smacking people around."
Ex-squeeze me?

"Naomi needs to go toe-to-toe with her own."
My own what?

"To improve her reading, Naomi needs to use words from the text to support her views."
Sounds like a chunk of someone's report card, oops.

"Last night when she and Mum where talking but Mum said Naomi needs to talk to God and her reply was it was God's fault she got pregnant and it was also His ..."
Yeah, that run-on sentence just keeps going, apparently. And, no, I am not pregnant, and if I was, it wouldn't be God's fault, it would be my fault for fucking around. Morons.

"I think Naomi needs to stay the hell away from those The Ring movies because they're starting to mess with her head."
OMG, that's so true. I couldn't even blink properly for like a month after watching The Ring.

Well, those were all the entertaining ones. I keep finding the results of OTHER Naomi's searching their names. Gawd, everyone's doing these searches now, so I'm not gonna anymore.
Instead, I'll go take some blog things quizzes! That's new and original and I bet no-one's done that yet! *Dies*
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